MissMonroe (Jodie) *update 4 * Keep our fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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* Update 4
Well i thought i would update on Jodie and Sophie.
She is still in hospital and feeling crappy about it :(

Its easier to copy out the text that she sent, so here goes

" I had a shower today and took bandage off wound, they said it looks alright. got to have level of urine checked to see if bladder is alright and not over inflated.
I feel really vunerable and hate relying on people doing things for me! I want to go home so much it makes me cry. It kills me Dean leaving at 9. Texting people and keeping in contact is the only thing thats keeping me sane. there is a world outside this ward "

:hug: :hug: Ahhhhh bless her, she also sent Moofa and Jo her love!
So i told her i would get all of the PF to keep there fingers crossed that she can come home today with baby Sophie.


* Update 3 ( just a ikkle one )

Got a text earlier off Jodie, thought id share with you all. Sent her a text and told her how nice all the messages are waiting for her.
This is what it says

" Hey hun, how are you? Thought i'd update you. They might let me out tomorrow, i wanted to discharge myself today because of the stupid visiting hours and i want to be with dean and sophie. But there giving me mophine for the section and i won't get that if i leave... lol. They also want to do 48 hours observation on sophie because of the way she was born.
Anyone else on the forum popped? How's Joanne doing ??

:hug: :hug: Bless her, sounds like she just wanst to be at home with her new little family, can't blame her though, hospitals are crap when it comes to letting dads stay!
Fingers crossed her and Sophie are home in no time.


* Update 2
Decided to get out of bed and update you all ( good job i can't sleep Jodie)......lol


Jodie just texted and said:

"Ended up having an emergancy c section. I was petrified:( Sophie weighs 7lbs 12oz "

:cheer: A huge congratulations to both you and dean on your little girl chick. :cheer:

She said the c section wasn't something they had even comtemplated and she was terrified. She hated the gas and air and was stuck with it for 3 hours before she could have the epidural. She was pushing for over an hour and nothing was happening for her, she will fill us all in when she gets home, which should be in 3 days time.

:hug: :hug: :hug: Sounds like she went through it all, bless her. Glad Sophie is here safe and sound and i hope you recover and are feeling 100% soon chick. :hug: Well done.
Can't wait to see pics and read your birth story.


* Update 1

Just had a text that says
" she is 10cm now so the Soph should b here in the hour. Will let you know when she is here "

:clap: looks like sophie will be here anytime now.
Come on Jodie get pushing your little girl into the world. :hug: :hug:
We are all thinking of you hun :hug:


Well after the text about her waters breaking last night i had my phone on standby ready if anything else should happen to let everyone know.

I got a text at 6.14am, saying that she hadn't managed to get back to sleep as she was in alot of pain and she was waiting for Dean to come over.

Just had a text now and she is having contractions lasting 1 minute, every 4 minutes and will be heading off to hospital soon as its hurting her to talk through them.

:dance: Looks like Sophie is on her way. :dance:

All the best Jodie :hug: and i will update everyone as soon as i hear anything else.
Woohoo!!! Good luck to them both! Hope Sophie is here soon :cheer:
good luck sweetie. I hope its not the worry of the last couple of days that brought it on,
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! good luck Sweetheart! your'll some be holding your gorgeous L/O in your Arms! :hug:
Good luck hun, looking forward to hearing your news :D

:cheer: yay - good luck hunny - hope your holding your little girl very soon :cheer:
Oh my word!!! :shock:

That's excellent news!! :cheer: Good luck Jodie!! Aww lil Sophie will soon be here!! :dance:

Oh bless her! She must be doing so well! x
Aww great news :cheer: Good luck :)

Hope you're holding Sophie in your arms soon :hug:
Awww lots of luck Jodie!! Hope your holding little Sophie soon :cheer: :hug: x
good luck :cheer:
lots of babies are comin at once, how exciting

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