Missed miscarriage - so dissapointing


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May 31, 2015
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Having found out I was pregnant in April this year, I became very excited and looked very forward to another baby (I already have one child). Unfortunately at 6 and half weeks I ended up with a chest infection which lasted around 3 weeks. On Tuesday 26/05 I had my first scan appointment and I was feeling so excited to finally meet baby, unfortunately the scan showed that baby was there but there was no heartbeat and I was told that baby was measuring only 9 weeks, it was explained that it would be a missed miscarriage. I had a further appointment with the hospital on 29/05 where another scan was undertaken but unfortunately the outcome was still the same with no heartbeat detected. The options were then given to me of natural miscarriage, D&C or medical management. I chose the medical management option and was admitted to hospital on 30/05, after 4 courses of tablets commencing at 10am I finally passed my baby at approximately 10:30pm, unfortunately the placenta did not pass throughout the night and medical intervention was required to remove this at midday today. The whole medical management process for me was fine, contractions very similar to labour started at around 6pm on 30/05 and I have had not too much bleeding. I am lucky to have my baby delivered in tact and although some people make think it's strange I will be burying with my dad to ensure my baby has dignity and a final resting place. I just wanted to share my experience with you all, unfortunately I always thought miscarriage just automatically occurred and had never even heard of a missed miscarriage, I am convinced however, that the fact I was quite poorly with a chest infection had an impact on why things ended the way they did, please, please, if you feel ill at any point through your pregnancy especially in the first trimester seek advice from your GP and demand ultrasounds, I tried doing this at both 8 and half weeks and 9 and a half weeks after suffering from abdominal pain but they would not help me and just gave the response that baby would be absolutely fine as they are well protected in the womb. Had my GP and hospital supported me properly I'm convinced my babies life could have been saved.
Sorry for your loss Jules, unfortunately mc is very common with 1 in 5 pregnancies ending in mc and there is nothing that can really be done. I myself had a missed mc detected at 12 weeks but baby measured 8 and a half weeks. None of this actually helps as it is heart breaking to go through, be kind to yourself and do what you need to to grieve.
Hi, so sorry to hear what you've been through, hope you're getting support through this difficult time.
I went through a missed miscarriage in January just gone, found out just after Xmas that I was expecting our 1st baby, I too got very ill, had tonsillitis, a throat infection and an ear infection, I've had flu before but this was the most ill I've ever been and I'm convinced this is why my baby stopped growing at around 6 weeks.
I must say I had full support from my GP and early pregnancy unit but nothing could be done, I think if your body is trying to fight off a bad illness then it can't concentrate on the pregnancy.
Take time to grieve properly and get back to ttc when you feel ready.
Sending love and prayers.
I know how difficult this is. I too had a missed miscarriage. I know nothing much can be said,I can only hope sending you hope and knowing other women like me are out there gives you calmness. We all are one.
I received my baby at home and was able to hold her in my hands. I also buried her with my husband. It is very hard but just know you are not alone.

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