Miscarried on my birthday


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Jul 11, 2014
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I'm new to this but wanted to hear from other women in similar position.

My partner and I were TTC for 19 months and last month found out the amazing news I was expecting. I had a scan at 7 weeks, to be told I was actually 6 weeks but that all looked fine and was tiny heartbeat. I was so relieved and we started thinking names and nursery ideas. Then 4 days later, on my birthday, I woke up to heavy bleeding and after a long stint in a&e had a miscarriage confirmed. My body had dealt with it all naturally although 3 days later I'm still bleeding and in discomfort.

I'm struggling to get my head around it all. After trying for so long I thought we we're finally blessed with a baby and it just can be taken away so easily.
I'm so sorry to hear your news; miscarriage is heart breaking. Something so special and longed for just snatched away and it makes no sense; take time to grieve, support your OH and let them support you. Whilst it won't make you feel any better at the moment, there is no reason to believe you won't get your rainbow baby - it's sometimes a long road and hard to carry on but one day it will happen. I had a missed miscarriage in April 2012 and got my beautiful blue bundle in December 2013 - thought I'd never get there but patience and hope pulled me through.

Wishing you all the sticky baby dust in the world xxx
It's nice to hear that you were blessed with a beautiful boy after the misery of a miscarriage.

It's so hard to try and think positively at the moment but is reassuring to hear it happened for you.

Thanks again
Im so sorry for your loss! MC is truely heartbreaking at any time but after such a long time trying feels so unfair. I had the same situation as you and the thing I tried to console myself with was that I knew that I could get pregnant. At the moment everything is raw and you need to take time to grieve. Spoil yourself and your OH! Go back into ttc when you feel ready! Big Hug!
I understand how you are feeling, we have just had our second loss and I too am struggling to come to terms with it althought we are keen to try again soon. It must be hard having ttc for so long. If you do decide to try again, bear in mind that many ladies are at their most fertile after a mc so you could find that you are able to conceive more quickly.

That may not help much now but I know that all that is keeping me going just now is looking to the future and being able to try again and knowing that there is every chance the next pregnancy will be a healthy one.
Thanks ladies

I am sorry for your losses aswell.
My partner and I have discussed it and are going to start TTC again. The nurse said to us that your more fertile up to 4-6 weeks after so as we feel ready will try and take advantage of the window.

She said in an ideal world wait for your cycle to start again but if not it's fine just harder to date pregnancy if we did conceive. The only negative is you have no idea when you will ovulate so think it will just be down to luck.
Fingers crossed it doesn't take another 19 months because not sure I will be able to cope :(
Have you considered acupuncture? Like you, we took quite a while to conceive only for it to result in miscarriage. After another 6 months of trying someone suggested acupuncture to me and I thought 'why not?' - I was up for anything. It does claim to be able to help with fertility and I'll never know if it was just coincidence but I conceived within 3 months of my first session. If nothing else, I found it so relaxing and enjoyed having some time doing something just for me. Just a thought xx
Hey hun, we were also trying for 14 months before I fell pregnant, only to miscarry at 11 weeks after seeing the hb at 6 weeks and all being fine. Absolutely devastating. Look after yourself hun, and I hope we don't have to wait so long next time xx
I'm very sorry for your loss! I know how you feel as I miscarried at seven weeks in December just passed. I am now coming up to 14 weeks pregnant and so far all seems to be well. I wish you lots of luck and that your next bean is a stick one xx

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