miscarried again :'(


Jan 3, 2009
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Well I guess Third time lucky doesn't come to everyone.
Had to have a D & C on Saturday.... Was a little bit horrified...
I guess I have no idea what to say... I'm confused for one thing...
The scan showed I was still 7 weeks and 4 days, but I was supposed to be around 11 weeks or so... I just don't know how to feel at the moment... I'm lost... I hope to get over this soon but it seems to be alot harder than the last 2 times...
Im sorry I'm flinging this on to you guys but my family don't really listen much and my partner is hurting just as much!
I just wanted to send you some hugs hun.
I know theres nothing I can say to make you feel better. Look after yourself and you know we're always here if you just need to get stuff out of your head :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh hun, i'm so sorry for your loss. I wish i had the right words, just know i'm thinking of you at this sad time

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm so sorry, how devastating....

While it's no comfort, the fact there has been 3 miscarriages will mean more investigation into possible causes.

You're bound to feel numb, we can't help but plan for our little ones as soon as we get that BFP.

What great support you have on this site.

Julie xxx

Emma Mary 18 wk miscariage 02.05.08 Always Missed
im so sorry for ur loss again, i wish i could say something to ease the pain but i know nothing will, only time. i hope they investigate it and find a cause for you. take it easy on yourself. :hug:
So sorry. Don't ever think you can't talk on here, that's what the forum is for xx
Im so so sorry for your loss hun, sending you lots of love and best wishes at this horrible time xxxx

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