Miscarriage Website - EXCITING UPDATE!!!

Hi Jo

I think what you are doing is really great. :clap:

I had an ectopic pregnancy last month and I would be happy to share my experience for the site.

Just let me know!

:hug: :hug:
Dear Jo

That is a fab idea count me in... I would promote the website and put posters up in my college where I work and tell the college counsellor to do the same, I could tell Lifeline in Edinburgh as well...brilliant anything you need help with let me know... I also know other people who have had m/c and may help
you have helped me enormously
you have really created a buzz here, it is great!

Going to pm you now :D
Thanks so much guys!! Im amazed at the reponse... Im so touched it brings a tear to my eye!

An update will follow this post very soon xxxx

I just want to say thank you so much for the excellent reponse to this post, I'm overwhelmed and really touched by the amount of people who would like to help!!

I have the following people down on my list as wanting to help in various ways:

I have decided to use the domain name http://www.miscarriageandloss.co.uk I know everyone liked anangelneverdies.co.uk and I really do myself but the one I’ve chosen has more chance of people finding it in the search engines. I have however purchased anangelneverdies.co.uk aswell and will link it in some way! Hope you all understand the reason I’ve done this.

You can now contact me at: [email protected]

One thing I dont want to do is post loads of separate posts in this section so plan to stick to this single post for as long as possible really. Keep checking back for the flashing update sign like at the top of this post! :)
good choice. maybe the angel never dies could be some poetry or other expressive medium. I have actually found some of the poems i have read on here quite helpful, because they express things I find difficult to articulate.
:clap: :clap: :clap: FANTASTIC name for the site...I know angelneverdies is a great name too but for the KEY WORD Search engines MISCARRIAGEANDLOSS is definitely the best...Well done Jo.

There are some restrictions automatically that i like in the other forums too....for example, you can't post a pregnancy ticker on the 'loss' section of a site but you can on 'pregnancy after loss' section....Saves people with recent loss seeing other peoples PG growing..It can really hurt some...or...Sad for some so it's a nice idea i think..other things too but we can chat sometime if you wish?
there are so many things I would love to see changed about they way us mums are treated by the medical profession, I would love to see more education going into that side of things too. Not one leaflet still in my GP surgery despite me complaining.....Yes I do complain...ha ha ha ha bet you Can imagine!!! :rofl:

eg. Burial of our lost babies no matter what stage being discussed as an option instead of most people not knowing thats a choice... to name but one.....

Goodness me Jo...you've got me started...ok stopping now...

:oops: :rotfl:

Lv Yvonne xx
Yeah i definately agree Yvonne, I want to try to get something done about that way that nothing seems to get explained when your at the hospital, no support is offered to you they just expect you to get on with things....
Theres so much i could go on!

Thanks glad you agree with the domain name, im quite pleased actually as im suprised it was availible. I also want to get the .com domain but cant afford it at the moment :oops: but hopefully will be able to soon!

We should defo chat sometime hun, PM me you MSN addy and ill add u if u like hun x
you know you could ask for sponsors ? or maybe approach some of the woman's charities ? I am sure there will be a grant out there somewhere.... look at the response so quickly and this is only a small number of people who happen to be logged on tonight...
Or you could ask for donations ?

But sponsors is the track i would use i think.... There is always someone looking to sell something to an audience...

Ok I am going to turn this off soon.... I am turning into a computer junkie.... waiting on my next fix of the new idea.... :rotfl:

Talk soon.. Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Jo, thank you and thanks for our chat, be very glad to help anyway i can i think you have chosen the right name definetly.

Yvonne, what are you on hun, anyway you never complain or anything like that hehe :fib: :rotfl: Love you lots going to PM you.

Good luck with it all Jo, here if you need me. :hug: :hug:
I think that is the right name choice- good luck with setting it up :hug:
Thanks girls, Im gunna need everyones input into the website so thanks so much for offering!


OK girls, Ive been working extremely hard today non stop and ive sent various emails to several companies and people asking for their help/support/sponsorship.


We will see if we get replies. If you have any ideas please PM me with them.

Ive spoken to the charity commission today and they have sent me out an application pack so that we can make it an official charity.

A few of my friends have suggested a sponsored walk for a fundraiser, any other ideas?

Cheers Guys xxxxx
I am still at work,,,,may not get time to meet on msm at 7.30
will try tho xx
Great idea about sponsored walk, once you get a charity number through We will be able to take money from the public....I will definitely Help organize A sponsored walk up in Scotland for it when your ready.....'If You Want :lol:

Oh Yeah, how about using one of the angels incorporated into a logo design? That way our ladies still get their angel never dies thing in the title ?

Well done on all the hard work too....

I would suggest you put up Lorriane Kelly's Email Address and request that we all send her a copy of YOUR ( I say yours as if we all write our own it won't have the same impact...also people are more likely to forward an email than write one)letter from our own personal email accounts..(& everyone we all know using theirs too....I know it is like spam but it will get us noticed and maybe even get us some TV time for our Very Worthy Cause....after all one third of ALL pregnancies end in MC.....That's a huge number..people need help and researchers would have a great base with your Q&A section for their studies...

The bigger the spot light the more help we get, The larger the audience, the more members, the MORE PEOPLE YOU HELP !

What do you think?

Good luck and :clap: :clap: Well done on all your hard work so far !!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Hi Yvonne,

Thanks for your suggestions they are great!

Help with organising a sponsored walk would be fantastic hun, we'll sort something out when the weathers a little better :lol:

I have had lots of suggestions for logo, ill be posting some ideas in a few days :wink:

As far as us all sending emails to same person, Im going to see what response i get first of all but that is defo a good plan B! I'll keep you all posted as far as responses etc.

Thanks for the 'well done' nice to know my hard work is appreciated! xxx

We've had a response from The Pink Ladies - The womens only taxi firm created by Kerry Katona which is FANTASTIC news!

Heres the response:

Hi Joanne,

Thanks for your contact.

Unfortunately we have no spare cash for sponsorship, as we are a relatively
new business.

We can, however, help in other ways - we have a magazine, which we could
carry a feature about miscarriages and the effects on the lives of everyone

What I would suggest is that I keep your email until April, when we will be
working on June's edition, and I will contact you again.

Best regards,

Great news eh?! Some of us will be in the magazine in June's edition!
What do you all think of that?
Well done Jo, That is great news!!

I subscribe to eve magazine and there was an article on miscarriage/missed miscarriage in it this month. It was a well written article which I found easy to relate to, and it voiced some of the things I (we) have been thinking.

I am going to write a letter to the magazine about how I thought it was a good article and how M/C should be talked about more as its more common then everyone thinks, shouldn't be brushed under the carpet etc etc and I was going to mention this forum and YOUR website.

I'll get writing tonight....

Tick-Tock said:
Well done Jo, That is great news!!

I subscribe to eve magazine and there was an article on miscarriage/missed miscarriage in it this month. It was a well written article which I found easy to relate to, and it voiced some of the things I (we) have been thinking.

I am going to write a letter to the magazine about how I thought it was a good article and how M/C should be talked about more as its more common then everyone thinks, shouldn't be brushed under the carpet etc etc and I was going to mention this forum and YOUR website.

I'll get writing tonight....


That would be fantastic hun, let me know how things go & ill add it to the list of potentials!
Thanks for your help its fantastic! xxxx

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