Miscarriage at home during Covid-19


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2012
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I dont really have a question but I thought I'd document my experience incase someone could find it useful in the future.

Around 8 weeks I got brown spotting with the slightest red tinge when I wiped, later on that evening I had brown stringy discharge. I called the GP the next morning and got referred to our local Early Pregnancy Unit for an emergency scan. 2 days later I had a scan but they couldn't pick anything up on an abdominal scan, so they did an transvaginal scan. Nothing was being picked up then eventually they found a sac and it wasnt clear if there wasnt something I'm the sac or not. I was measuring at 5 weeks. I knew my dates and I knew this didnt sound right. They booked me in to return for a second scan 11 days later, I was simply told I was much earlier than I realised due to having 35 day cycles and most probably ovulating later than I had realised. I went home to begin the longest 11 days of my life. The following 2 days I rested as much as I could. On the 3rd day I got some sort of period pains for 20 mins. When I went to the toilet I had begun passing bright red blood and a small clot. Followed by some watery bleeding that evening. The following evening I had very mild pains (less than period pains) and I had passed very large clots. I called EPU the following morning to be told that they wouldn't do anything before my next scan and I had to wait another week for my scan. That day was full of painful contractions, the same as I experienced in labour! I was in agony. The next day wasnt as bad but the clots had stopped and the bleeding was more like a heavy period now. The bleeding eased the day before my scan and I felt somewhat human again.

Fast forward to the day of the scan and I said what had happened, I had my scan and was told there was still RPOC so I agreed to Medical management. My bloods were taken and I was given Misoprostol tablets, some strong pain killers and told to take it before I go to bed and to put then under my tongue and let them dissolve (not pleasant!!!) It got to the evening and I took the misoprostol and i went to sleep. I fell asleep expecting the strong contraction type pains to return and heavy bleeding. I woke up and nothing had happened. The hospital said they would call me 3 days later. Nothing happened. They called and asked me to go back to pick up another dose of misoprostol. I took them in the evening again and this time I felt tightenings across my belly and thighs, I fell asleep once again. Woke up and nothing. Another 3 days passed and they asked me to go in to see the specialist. I returned to EPU once again and was scanned for a 3rd time. I told him what had happened and he said at my first scan they should have told me I was going to miscarry instead of being left in limbo. That hurt as they knew what was going to happen to me but didnt say. He asked for me to take a pregnancy test and if it was positive I'd need a D&C but if it was negative then I wouldn't and I'd have different options. I gave a urine sample to the nurses and waited in the waiting area for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually I got called back into his office and he said its negative. He then gave me 2 options. 1, wait for my next period and it should pass with my period as it was only a small amount of RPOC remaining or 2, have a MVA procedure where they insert a thin tube into the cervix and create a vacuum with an instrument to remove the remaining tissue. After the 2 weeks I had endured, I opted to wait for my period. He said it should return within 4 - 6 weeks, it will be much heavier than usual and I'll pass more clots and if it doesnt return then I shall go back for treatment to prevent infection. It was 3 weeks later and I started to bleed, "my period!" I thought. Its now day 4 of my "period" and I've experienced no pain and it's not overly heavy like I was warned it would be and I've passed 1 or 2 teeny tiny clots. I have no idea if this is just a bleed or infact a period! I may update this in the future but I thought I'd leave this here as it may help someone
I'm sorry to hear you went through such a tough experience in such trying times. I hope everything works out and you get your rainbow soon. Thank you for sharing your story. Xx
I am sorry to read your story, I wish all your dreams come true x

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