Miscarriage 26th June - still no bfn


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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Hey ladies,
I miscarried 26th june and have been doing weekly pregnancy tests to monitor when i get bfn. Mid july i got bfp and epau scanned to check for retained product but it was all clear.

STILL getting positives and they differ from faint to darker then faint again, anyone else had this? Its been nearly 6 weeks.

We're not trying again - i'm trying to find out when i'll
Ov so we can avoid it xxx
I should add that i had hcg test the day after my mc and the levels had already dropped to 400 so i would have thought i should have had neg by now
I'd speak to gp for advice, it could be possible you have caught again. Sometimes it just takes a while to go negative x
Is there any possibility you could be pregnant again? if not then I would speak to your gp and just let them know that your tests are still showing as positive, it may just be that's its taking a long time for levels to drop though x
Mine took 36 days to go negative but I had a D&C. It didn't go negative until my first AF arrived! You can still ov with low levels of hcg in your system so if you've been waiting on a negative test thinking you won't ov until its neg, then you could have ov'd and caught again xx
I had a mmc in June 2011, mc'ed naturally at home 30th June and was told a couple of days later my scan was clear. I continued bleeding and had faint tests up until 26th aug when they tested my hcg level at only 26, but it was enough for my body to still think I was pregnant. I had a erpc after finally breaking down on the phone to the epu as they kept fobbing me off. It is worth asking for hcg bloods being done again. So sorry for ur loss and I hope u can get some answers xxx
I think i could be pregnant again but bleeding again with some clots so probably miscarrying again. Im supposed to be having my second set of bloods next week but dont know if i can have them if i've still got hcg in my system. I dont wanna speak to the hospital again :( xxx

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