milk spots


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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daisy has loads of milk spots:( i actually think the milk she on making them worse[i know they not linked to milk just called milk spots] so changing her onto aptimil but any know how long they last?
Drake has one on his chin and a couple on his cheeks. When he wakes up they look ok but as as the day goes on and he's scratching at his face they get redder. It's getting better though! All I've done is avoid wipes on his face, just use cotton wooll with plain water and try to avoid any milk going over them. Nothing else we can do really!
I think their really cute! Charley has them on his nose! He did have them on his cheeks too but they've gone! Not sure how long it takes for them to completly go though!
ive got them under 1 eye.... ive allways had em... n im now 23 :-/ do the ones babies get go away? lol

Cahal had quite a few milk spots on his cheeks and chin, they were gone by the time he was about 6 weeks old and has lovely clear skin now :)
Zach had them really bad, until about 6weeks and then they went. They do come back and then go again occasionally too. X
They took a couple of weeks to go on Paige. Think it was around 6 weeks until they all completly went :)
keyan started getting them around a week ago really bad i spoke to the health visitor and she says it completely normal its like teenage acne lol they are starting to fade now thank god

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