Milk free breakfasts?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2011
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Hi all Lewis is 5 months and seems to be quite allergic to what I assume is cows milk seeing as a tiny bit of butter or yoghurt, or baby formula or baby porridge all leave him with massive red blotches on his face.

Do you think normal gluten free dairy free cereals would be ok for him to eat? Fruit and veg purée all day would be a bit boring for him.

You bottle or breast feeding hun as confused if he on formula then that's from cows milk.

I tried cows milk early and it gave my little boy a bad tummy.

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
I'm breastfeeding thankfully but everything seems to have cows milk in.
You tried making up food with soya milk x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
Some of the brekkies I give Owen r mixed with water? X

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
The porridge we give is mixed with water but it's part of the ingredients. I will definitely try soya milk but this might be one for the HV!
Have you tried porridge oats (normal ones on their own) mix with breast milk squish into a microwave dish I add raisins to mine about 30 secs makes like a flapjack for them?
I didn't know we could use normal porridge oats for babies! I will definitely do this.

I read somewhere else you can buy things like alpro soya yogurts and things for them
My l/o has a dairy allergy. He has weetabix for brekkie mixed with medicated formula. But it can me mixed with boiled water instead. I breastfed him til 16 weeks but he couldn't even tolerate my milk :( x
wow not even your milk! That's extreme. I think Lewis's is just intolerence the same as Charlie's was. So unlucky!
I didn't know we could use normal porridge oats for babies! I will definitely do this.

I read somewhere else you can buy things like alpro soya yogurts and things for them

Mrs r recommended this recipe to me as she was a blw mummy and it was a different snack to try my lo on and he loved these as you can make as much/ little as you like. You can also put extras in too. The time might be different in your microwave though.
So you mix it in just until it's doughy and then cook it up! Sounds great!
Give it a stir with a fork you need it to be relatively thick so once cooked sticks together like a flapjack then I used to cut it into strips for lo to munch on. Once it had cooled down a bit. Can't remember how long they lasted I used to make enough for a day (wasn't alot about 3-4 sticks as he had as a snack in the afternoon.)
Hi Hun, my little man has a severe dairy and egg allergy, is breastfed still, but I've hot him prescribed formula for his cereals. Some of the baby cereals are dairy free, I think the banana porridge, fruit crunch cereal and baby weeks box are a fine, also some of the 'plum' range of cereals are fine. Also, I give Jacob (although he's a year now), soya yoghurt, fruit pots, jelly and my food just
Mushed up :) quite a lot of food has milk products in, but you soon get used to checking the ingredients. My little one was also being affected through my milk, so our dietician and allergist suggested me to give up dairy, which I have, and he now seems much better. It's hard with Jacob at times as his dad and sister obviously drink cows milk, way choc, yoghurt etc, and if they touch him prior to washing hands, he comes up immediately in red spots. If he eats it himself, his whole face/body swells up and he gets covered in red angry blotches :( this is him a few months back ImageUploadedByTapatalk1343938405.003486.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1343938452.891641.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1343938564.097281.jpg
but after arguing with the doctor for a referral we have an answer to what it is, and now know how to manage and treat him. Hope you get little one sorted hun..xx

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