mildly & oscar

she's got an appointment to see about getting oscar's tongue-tie release :D :D
Thank you for the well wishes :D :hug:

Just got back from our appointment and the doctor was reluctant to release it. He said that the slow weight gain wasn't due to the tongue tie and that his problems latching wasn't due to it either as he was able to suck well. I explained the reservations I had about using the nipple shields as my milk supply may suffer and that his weight gain of the last nine days being primarily down to the two formula topups a day. They asked if I would be prepared to express and I said I doubt I would be able to keep it up longterm.

They (there was actually two doctors and a nurse) said that the tie wasn't too extensive, which is odd because it is right to the end of the tongue. Then they said that they were reluctant to administer a general anaesthetic to a young baby. Apparently the policy within my hospital is to do the procedure under a general. We asked why they couldn't use a local and the only answer we were given was that they would have done if he had been referred at a few days old.

The doctor did say he would talk to his consultant about whether they would be happy to put a baby of his age under a general and would get back to us in two weeks. Although I'm starting to wonder whether it would be a good idea putting him through that. I am pissed off at the hospital policy that means that he can't just have a local :x
i'm sorry it didn't go so well :(

gah, why do they have to make it so difficult :wall: :wall: :wall:

if it helps at all though, i'm almost 8 months down the line and still using nipple shields. connor hasn't a clue what to do with a boob without them :roll: i find the mam ones are the best cos they lick and stick quite well ( :lol: ) which makes it easy for night feeds. they also don't cover too much boob so there's still tissue stimulation. i've never had a problem with my supply either - i've just taken lots of fenugreek and eaten oatibix whenever i've felt tired/run down. leckershell also fed with nipple shields long-term.
Mildly said:
Then they said that they were reluctant to administer a general anaesthetic to a young baby. Apparently the policy within my hospital is to do the procedure under a general. We asked why they couldn't use a local and the only answer we were given was that they would have done if he had been referred at a few days old.

The doctor did say he would talk to his consultant about whether they would be happy to put a baby of his age under a general and would get back to us in two weeks. Although I'm starting to wonder whether it would be a good idea putting him through that. I am p*ssed off at the hospital policy that means that he can't just have a local :x

Our local hospital wouldn't do a general on a child under 2 cos it's quite specialist. We had to be referred to Great Ormond Street when our DD was poorly and needed invasive tests.

I guess they can't do a local because he's a bit older now he would prob fight and get very distressed if he was awake for the procedure. I've written in your other thread too, but hope you come to a decision and get things worked out soon :hug:
Oh dear, sorry it didnt go the way you hoped, how frustrating :wall: I dont understand why different health trusts have such different policies????? bizarre....can your HV refer you to anyone else for a second opinion?

I would be worried about putting him under a general anesthetic too but it seems like a tough option to express full time for him, I know there are some who have though so it must be possible! I hope you work something out hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: Yeah, we are a bit disappointed that it didn't go the way we had hoped but I guess it is better than a flat out no.

Purple, good to hear that you are still doing well with nipple shields. I tried Oscar without one the other day and he was clueless, poor thing. TBH so was I and the BFN counsellor had to help me with positioning and we still couldn't get him on :D I might give the MAM ones a try, the avent ones do fall off easily, I lost count of the times I've dropped one and the dog tries to run off with it :roll:

Thanks Lisa :hug:

Jess, thanks for your experiences :hug:

Clarey, I will have a talk to the HV but from previous discussions, all avenues of healthcare seem to end up at the same hospital. I really admire those who've expressed full time, although I don't think I have the patience for it - it must take so much time out of the day. I get the feeling I would end up switching to formula fairly quickly although I would give it a try :)

I just wanted to say that I used nipple shields the whole time I breastfed and my supply didn't change. It was a car crash that changed it :(

I used the avent ones and they were crap. as are the boots own ones. The Mam ones are the best imo ;)

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