Might have to take bailey docters :( updated!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Throughout today, hes been the most upset with himself, and now hes pulling his legs up and screaming, he hasnt fed since 10am and his belly button is sticking out a good inch and its rock hard.. gets worse when he crys..

Im just on hold to nhs direct so will see what they say!
Hun I'm gonna move this to the First Year: Health Issues section, we have to try and keep off topic as stuff not about babies :)

Hope he gets better soon.
could it be a hernia? poor little mite sounds like hes in pain....hav u seen the doctor yet? please update so we know the little guy is okay - hate it when babies are poorply :cry: :cry:

for u hun - :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope he is ok hun, please keep us updated.
Im not sure what it is, we took him to the gp out of hours, he commented on his thrush.. its not getting any better :wall:

he checked his belly button and it is a small hernia and told us to go bck to our own gp to get refered to someone else.. :roll:

also checked his bum, before we went i changed his bum and lathered it in cream and by the time i got there after 10 mins he had poohed again and his bum was bleeding.. tried to tell him sudocrem wasnt working but he told me to carry on with it..

so i still have a very upset baby who cant settle...
ahh poor thing id get him to his own GP if he is no better i have found that out of hours GPS are not that good with babies :evil: is he still as bad as last night ?

pop him to his GP if u are sill worried hun

please keep updating :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
rhian85 said:
is he still as bad as last night ?

well ive just popped out to my cousins and had to come home cos he was sick.. it just kept coming bless him.. hes now quite and asleep.. so going to see how he gets on.. :?
poor thing he sounds like he is having a bad time..bless him

i really hope he gets better but i he doesnt hunni and ur worried please take him to ur own GP

for the two of u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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