Might Even Get A Peek.....yayyyy x

kitten x

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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:wave: hi all xx

dont no if you remember me telling you about painfull cysts on my ovaries well mw rang me fri and said to go and see my dr monday and he will send me for a scan on my ovaries to keep an eye on the growth as they can get big :( , and i dont want wot happened tome last time where i had have an op, she also said she will see me at 8weeks instead of 10weeks so thats nice.

She also said if i ask nicely when their scanning my ovaries they will have a peep at baby and i will get to see :shhh: :cheer: , so im soooo excited i carnt wait xx

i will let you all no xx
Wow, that would be really cool!!

Glad your midwife sounds nice & they're going to keep an eye on you. Bet that's a huge relief for you.

HannahD said:
Wow, that would be really cool!!

Glad your midwife sounds nice & they're going to keep an eye on you. Bet that's a huge relief for you.


hiya hannah xx

yeah she did sound really nice on the fone so its def reasured me for when i start seeing her in about 3weeks, it really is a relief and i carnt wait to be seen coz i no the cyst is here and its doing me head in so at least they can meassure it and keep an eye on me , but of course the best bit will be the peep of baby i no it will be small but still very excitin xxxxx
woooo how exciting!!

There's no reason why they shouldn't let you see the baby, it would be a bit cruel to be so very close and then be denied it :lol:

Good luck!
babyfulton said:
Hi Kitten,

How did you get on?

Hiya xx

felt to crappy :puke: to go anywhere monday so im ringing drs tues afternoon only prob this week is im working nites :( and i dont finish till sat mornin so its hard this week coz when i finish work at 7 i normally go straight home to bed :sleep: and if dr wants see me its going to clash with my sleep as they open at 9 so only other fing i can do is make appt for next week and hang in their this week as next week im off for 5days so will be availiable anytime but im definatly going to be seen i will ring dr later this afternoon see what time appt i can get if they say 5-6 thats fine anything early i carnt do xx

will keep you posted xx :hug:
buddabun said:
woooo how exciting!!

There's no reason why they shouldn't let you see the baby, it would be a bit cruel to be so very close and then be denied it :lol:

Good luck!

Hiya xx

thats what alot of people have said so im even more excited now :cheer: x i no it will be tiny but i still wana see just so i no its in right place and think i will believe im pregnant i still carnt belieeve it :cheer: xxxx

yes it wud be cruel i will hint my little heart out to get a peek :lol:

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