

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Ok... I have a midwife appointment this week... Normally she writes my next appointment on the front of my notes but she didn't this time so I have no idea whether I am seeing her tomorrow or thursday. I've tried to call her REPEATEDLY today and last week but she hasn't answered her phone. I've also text her twice but heard nothing back. Not sure what to do :/

Any advice? x
Do you have to go to your doctors to see midwife? If you do perhaps you could ring reception and ask them to check your time? X
Was just gonna say the same as Kelly... ring the doc's if that's where she is based. They'll have all her appointments listed xx
Nahh is at a children's centre but she keeps her diary on her, they don't have her appointments there :/ I called this morning again and another woman answered and was sooo rude I actually started crying when I got off the phone... She told me to call on thursday as rose is too busy to speak to me and maybe i should keep better track of my own appointments :(
What a cheeky witch!! Its not your fault she forgot to write it down :hug:
Give MW a ring in the morning hun. She should have her phone on, there really is no excuse for not answering or getting back to you. I'd be complaining if I'd rang that many times and she hadn't answered, you may have needed advice for something.
I'd also ring childrens centre tomorrow and ask them to pass a urgent message on and tell them you've tried contacting MW repeatedly with no answer!
Wednesday's her day off so I'll have to call thursday but if she doesnt pick up after a couple of rings i'll call childrens centre and explain :/ x

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