Midwife... :-(

I'm sure its just waters hun it's very rare x

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Don't worry Munchkin, fundal height measurements are not always accurate, especially if it's a different person to normal who's taken it.

I read somewhere that if the baby is currently breech that tends to make the bump bigger, but it can be due to other things as well. i think if your mw was genuinely concerned she'd have referred you for a growth scan.

If your baby was fine at the 20 week scan, chances are it is fine now.

thanks hun :-) I know that she said that they wouldn't start feeling for baby's position until 34 weeks etc - I asked her about that cos alot of the movement I get is very low down still xx
watch this space then Evie ;-) lol...

Seriously though... thanks girls... I really dont know where I'd be without you all and your sound advice and putting my mind at rest! :-) xxx
:D happy to help and will watch this space :lolly: lol!! Xx

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this was me at 23wks im still measuring big now but never been sent for a scan
wow - that is a gorgeous bump Lanny :-) can you remember what you measured at that point? xx
Wow! Lanny that's a big bump even for then! I'm nearly 20 weeks and still nothing :( x
munchkin sorry you didn't have a good appointment hun. With regards to milk thought I drink tons of it like sometimes 6 pints a day and my midwife wasn't worried about it.
munchkin sorry you didn't have a good appointment hun. With regards to milk thought I drink tons of it like sometimes 6 pints a day and my midwife wasn't worried about it.

mad isn't it? some are worried about it and some aren't? she really did make me feel like a child though when she told me off about drinking too much milk! I was so shocked! do you suffer much then bowels wise because you drink alot of milk? x
wow - that is a gorgeous bump Lanny :-) can you remember what you measured at that point? xx
I have always been about 2-3 wks ahead but like you when I went for my 34wk app I had a different m/w and she measured me at about 5 wks ahead but just been for my 36wk last wk and my own mw said they all do it different and said im still only about two wk ahead by her.
she said she thinks baby will be a good size but not over 9lb's so will have to wait and see but she has never been bothered about it.
Don't worry about measurements, dont forget that its not all baby in there and its you they are measuring not the baby! I consistently measured 'over' but Matt was 8lb 15oz in the end so not enormous, they even did a growth scan and told me he was on the top line for growth! I thought I was in for a 10lber! :)

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