midwife worried


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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After boring you all with moaning about lack of bump , i thought at last mine was starting to grow.....but i just saw midwife who measured my fundal height at exactly the same as what it was 3 weeks ago...

she immediately got on the phone to try to book me an emergency growth scan....but couldnt get me booked in before i leave the area on saturday.

so now im moving at the weekend and i dont know what the midwife will be like in Derby , theres no guarantee they will be as willing to help as this midwife

but this midwife here has put it in my notes that i have to have an urgent scan so lets hope they will get me in once im registered and not tell me to go to my own area to get it done :?
hope you manage to get something booked in at the start of next week... :hug:
:hug: how do you feel then? :hug: My bump stopped growing in the last 2-3 weeks of my pregnancy but the midwife wasn't concerned. You are supposed to be roughly a cm (or is it an inch?) for every week pregnant you are I believe. Is baby still moving lots?
Is their no way you can stay in the area until you've had your scan??? Just to put your mind at rest, your bump prob has grown if its the fundal height maybe its not accurate. But its best to have a scan to check everything is okay, and be on the safe side?? Are you getting kicks the same??? :hug:
Hope everything's okay for you hun. Sure if bubs is still moving around lots they're fine in there and maybe just having a little rest from all that growing they've been doing. Good luck for the move and getting your scan sorted out :hug:
No- theres no way i can stay here past the weekend unfortunately

im trying not to let it worry me (at least not any more than i already was worried!) because Im sure my bump has grown, but i think the babys in a bad position for measuring cos i have a huge lump sticking right into my side , and she's moving plenty (again tickling me in the side)

i also know if she was worryingly small they wouldnt do be able to anything about it yet anyway....just monitor

so not going to panic...im glad shes written it on my notes though because when i move on at least it wont sound like i just want a scan cos im paranoid.
Yes they will know the midwife recommended it now shes written it down, i'm sure they'll get you booked in. The fundal height can change each time you lie down so like you say could just be the baby in a awkward position. Try not to worry. :hug:
We seem to have the same issues with regards to growth.

Even though everyone tells you not to worry you cant help it and thats only natural. If you know where your moving to next week could you not ring the hospital direct and explain your situation and book yourself in for a scan asap. Or get the midwife who has said you need a scan to ring ahead for you. When is the 4d scan that you booked?

Im sure you have nothing to worry about as she is moving around like normal.
lol i posted on your thread at the same time you posted on mine :D

i cant ring ahead but i will get registered within a few days when i get to derby, and then i should be able to get a scan within a few more days

im not going to worry because I KNOW shes grown!!!! people have said they can tell im pregnant now which they couldnt 3 weeks ago, and all her movements feel harder and pokier. Ive even put on a couple of pounds AT LAST!

the 4D scan is weekend after next anyway but i guess i cant rely on that to address the concerns...seems like i really need to get proper measurements done, and if i can get it NHS that would be really good
We know are bodies better than anyone and i know ive grown too even if the stupid tape measure does not agree.

Im not letting this stupid fundal height spoil the rest of my pregnancy anymore than it has already. My midwife didnt even make an issue of it being the same as three weeks ago. She had a good poke around my belly and showed me where the head was and said baby was growing nicely so if she is not worried then im not going to worry.
It just shows the different attitudes between midwifes as yours was concerned with no growth in 3 weeks and mine was not.
Please dont take offence to this post but you are gonna be a mummy, you need to slow down!!! Accept the emergency scan that the MW offered and make sure you travel back to get to it. Nothing can be more important than your little baby! Come on, you would kick yourself if you didnt go and theres no guarantee that you will get a scan straight away if you change MW's.

I know you might have to travel a few hours to get to the scan, but what does it matter to know baby is ok? I would travel to Scotland if i had to.

Your life seems to be so hectic and i think slowing down a bit would be benificial. I know with being an athlete you are naturally fit and raring to go ( i was the same, i dont ever sit down) but your body will start telling you soon if you dont take time out.

Please dont stress out with all this, i dont want to see a stressed baby or mummy..... :hug: And go for the scan!

*runs off before i get shouted at for being cheeky*........
i have to agree... baby would come before any thing, and i would drive to get to scan just to make sure, i would be a head case with all this worry
i'll get the scan in derby!! its on my notes now, so they cant refuse me one

if i came back here next week it will be a 4 hour drive there and 4 hours back which is just stupid when i can get one asap in derby

if for any reason the midwife wont cooperate in derby i would pay the ridiculously high price for a private one in a Bupa hospital (the only place i can find who will do diagnostic scans)- if youve read my other posts you'd know i'd already been trying to sort myself out with a growth scan because i was worried anyway

the baby is kicking away more than ever, , I know myself shes grown, im having trouble bending down now which i wasnt before. i dont know why the fundal height hasnt changed but you lot on here tend to agree its a load of crap anyway. It seems more stupid for me to drive 8 hours, than wait a few days, especially when the mw said they wouldnt be able to act on it immediately anyway, so anytime in the next 2 weeks will be fine as long as bubs is moving ok
i just wanted to reassure you... i had 2 growth scans because the m/w was worried when she measured me. They were both fine, the fundal measurement is not an exact science and as long as you can feel baby moving that is the main thing

as my mum said to me,it takes two to make an average...
thats good if they do one up there. fingers crossed all is fine
Was it the same midwife you saw each time? I was told that fundal height is a fairly accurate measurement but only if it is the same person doing it everytime as they can pull the tape tighter/looser.

I wouldn't worry too much, but make sure you get a scan asap, if you know your address can you not register and get the ball rolling over the phone before you get there?
i cant register til im there but i explained the situation and have managed to book a midwife appointment for tuesday anyway... :cheer: lucky i tried now as the midwife is only in once a week!!

so im sure once she sees the notes the midwife here has made she should refer me ok

i reckon everything will be fine but im glad i'll be getting the scan finally, cos ive been saying i need one since the sonographer at my 25 wk 4d scan said she was concerned!!

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