After boring you all with moaning about lack of bump , i thought at last mine was starting to grow.....but i just saw midwife who measured my fundal height at exactly the same as what it was 3 weeks ago...
she immediately got on the phone to try to book me an emergency growth scan....but couldnt get me booked in before i leave the area on saturday.
so now im moving at the weekend and i dont know what the midwife will be like in Derby , theres no guarantee they will be as willing to help as this midwife
but this midwife here has put it in my notes that i have to have an urgent scan so lets hope they will get me in once im registered and not tell me to go to my own area to get it done
she immediately got on the phone to try to book me an emergency growth scan....but couldnt get me booked in before i leave the area on saturday.
so now im moving at the weekend and i dont know what the midwife will be like in Derby , theres no guarantee they will be as willing to help as this midwife
but this midwife here has put it in my notes that i have to have an urgent scan so lets hope they will get me in once im registered and not tell me to go to my own area to get it done