Midwife Today


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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I just thought Id update you all on Midwife today :)

I didnt have my normal midwife, mine was on hol. She isnt happy with the scan results, in her words - :shock: thats an awful lot of water you have in there :shock: ....I'll be sent for another scan in a few weeks. She also commented on babies growth saying he is measuring right in the upper limits so they are going to keep and eye on that as Im so small - she did say not to worry at this stage :roll: Im still measuring 3cm ahead so thats keeping within the same as I was 2 weeks ago - at least it hasnt increased. I have to keep my legs closed at all times due to SPD and I'll be sent to fizzy-o ( sorry cant spell it LOL) if it hasnt got any better in 2 weeks. I thought something must be up when I couldnt lift one leg off the floor :rotfl: I couldnt get my jeans off!!

Im still happy to be a member of the biff baby club :D

Just a thought, what do they do if your baby is on the biffy side anyway apart from tell you you have a big baby? :think: They dont induce you do they? I'll still have a go squeezing out mine rather than be induced I think :lol:
I don't think they can predict an acurate weight, they said mrsbrickells baby would be 9 pounds 7 and she came out 8 pounds 6
Tillytots said:
Im still happy to be a member of the biff baby club :D

Just a thought, what do they do if your baby is on the biffy side anyway apart from tell you you have a big baby? :think: They dont induce you do they? I'll still have a go squeezing out mine rather than be induced I think :lol:

Im not sure what they do if its your first baby, but my friend recently had her 4th and they induced her as her 3rd baby had been 11lb abd his shoulders got stuck :shock: They got him out in the end, but it was a bit of an emergency. But they couldnt get an acurate weight just from the scans, it was just a precaution cos her last baby had been so huuuuuuuuuuuge. (her baby was induced 3 weeks early and he was still 9lb, so its a good job eh? lol!)
I'm not sure what they do for a big baby tbh, maybe just keep a closer eye on you so that they can intervene if they don't think you can push it out alone!
Lots of people have big babies naturally, it might just mean you're a little early rather than anything else.

I think that if the baby is too large, then they may take you in and induce you early but I'm not sure just how big the baby needs to be/is expected to be at term for that to happen.

As long as your baby is healthy, which is sounds he is, I wouldn't worry too much Sarah xxxx
Biff baby club :lol: 8) I'm with ya :)

Well overall its good news. Keeping an eye on you and having another scan will be good.

As far as 'big' goes, many women have bigger babies. Some have a more narrow pelvis which makes labour hard so they have help of some kind. Others are fine and birth normally. I'd not worry yet if LO is measuring no further ahead than a couple of weeks ago.
looks like i am having a biffbaby too :lol: - just seen the midwife and my main concern was bp and wee - both fine so I relaxed then they measured - student and midwife - 37 cm at 31 weeks - now I do have some extra padding so hoping that isnt helping cos otherwise it's a whopper!! been refered to hospital probably for a scan
Hey Sarah

I saw the consultant yesterday about my biff baby and the fact that I am so small and he said that scans are really inaccurate at measuring/predicting weight and that they can be up to 30% wrong.

He also said that they try not to induce you if possible as it can lead to lots of complications as your body isn't ready for labour yet. So I just have to wait to go into labour! He did say that they would probably resort to a C-section quicker than normal if I am having difficuylties and that I need to have a doc there in labour because of the risk of something happening to the baby's shoulder (I can't remember the word!) as I push it out.

He also said that a big baby was a sign of a healthy pregnancy so well done!! :rotfl:
They wernt far off when they guesstimated Olivers weight....he was scanned the day b4 he was born and they said he weighed 7lb10oz abd he came out 7lb8oz!!!

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