Midwife :S


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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I txt her today to apologize for forgetting about my app on friday, and ask if i should book another appointment or whether i could find out my blood results on the phone, and she txt bac saying dont worry, im bac in on wednesday can you come at 1pm, i said yeah thats brilliant, see you then !

But now im rereading it, i said in my first txt that id been fretting about the results as iv had them done quiet late and if something bad came out of them i wouldnt know what to do, and she didnt txt back saying * theres nothing to worry about but come in anyway for a chat *, or i dont know anything reassuring, so now im even more worried and cant do anything about it til wednesday !
Do you think im being silly ? I know she didnt say anything was bad either but :( Surely she would have called me on friday if it had been really bad ? Then again shes the only midwife in the whole surgery, so maybe she doesnt read the results until shes with the patient ?
Oh i dont know !!! :(
:hug: Try not to worry hun, sounds like you're bloods will be absolutely fine, if there had been any problem I'm sure you would have had a call from her sooner to get you in to discuss.
If you are worried though, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you giving her a quick ring, text messages are so short and blunt it's difficult to feel reassurance from them sometimes, a quick chat would solve this.
Take care,
Sarah x
Aww I'm sure everything is fine hun, maybe give them a call tomorrow to chat? A doctor can give you your results.

I hope my MW rant thread hasn't worried you babe? If it has, I'm really sorry - Mine is just pants and I'm sure there aren't many like her!! :hug:

I'm sure everything will be fine. :hug: xx
I would book a normal doctors appointment if you are worried. You should be able to see them more quickly and the results will be on screen for them to see :hug: I'm sure there is nothing to worry about :D
Aw noo danni not at all yours actually made me feel guilty for phoning about mine, im just being silly i think, im probably anaemic, i was when i was younger so maybe thats why she didnt just say its all good, going to call tomorrow, shes had her phone off today, thanks for your advice girls, best to do something about it tomorow rather than spend the day worrying eh !

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