Midwife first home visit - What can I expect?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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She's coming over to my house in the morning, she said she will be here around an hour and a half. I was also told she will take some of my blood for tests.

What else can I expect from this home visit?
I'm hoping she lets us hear baby's heartbeat?

My midwife doesn't do home visits so afraid I can't help here... But fingers crossed you get to hear LO's heart :) x
I really hope so, if not I should get a doppler my mum bought me in the post the following day :) xxx
That's good :) Just don't panic if you can't find LO's heart. I got mine a couple of days ago and it took me like 10 minutes to find it and I've just hit 30 weeks. xx
They probably wont listen to the heartbeat as this is done from about 16 weeks onwards. Is this like your booking in appointment then? Thats when I had all my bloods done and went through the family history etc. All very boring stuff really but it does help with the excitment and reality of it all.

Hope all goes well. x
Well I've seen the midwife before when I first found out I was pregnant, she asked me details about my health and stuff, took my blood pressure, etc but I haven't met my own personal midwife yet so I guess the one I see tomorrow will be her? xxx
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Wow so lucky to get home visits we don't get them here!! Hope it goes well! X
Thanks hun, I count myself very lucky for the wonderful treatment I have had so far. Even at the ultrasound I was treated well, and the scan photo's were amazing.

OH is staying here tonight so he can be here for when she comes over :) We're both very excited. I shall let you all know how it goes xxx
By the looks of your ticker you probably won't get to hear heart beat unless the MW is nice and tries for you.
I was told at my 16 weeks appointment when I saw MW that I may not get to hear it as it's still quite early on. It did take a few minutes and could faintly hear it. So don't get your hopes up too much xxxx
We heard baby's heartbeat!
I asked midwife (who was so lovely) if the heartbeat would be able to be picked up now, I only asked the question because my mum has bought me a doppler online and I was hoping to hear for baby's heartbeat when the doppler gets delivered. Then midwife said, "Yeah I can try". Wasn't expecting that answer! She got me on the floor, and straight away we heard the heartbeat. She moved the doppler to the right side and we could hear my heartbeat then over on the left side we could hear baby's fast heartbeat :) It was so lovely I got teary eyed and couldn't stop giggling. xxx
Awh hun. That's fantastic! Most MW's are lovely so I would of been suprised if she had of said no to you.

I recorded what I heard on my phone so I could keep playing it over and over again :) xxx
Yeah she asked us if we wanted to record it but me and OH don't have mobile phones :( xxx
Congrats hun, glad it went well and u got to hear it! It's a magical feeling xx

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