Midwife been and booked in already :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hi ladies :wave: :wave:

My midwife came the other day and ive been booked in and everything already :cheer: :cheer: wheres the time going? :shock:

Well she did the usual checks and my bp was nice and low which is good as i have a bad track record for high bp in pregnancy :( She did i wee test too which was nice and clear, and then i asked her about a possible early scan?

Well at first she said chances were pretty slim unless i had bleeding or was unsure of my dates etc, and as my last period was only a day and a half she suggested i could be further along than i thought so she rang the ultrasound dept. And guess what???? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Im going for a scan on thursday when i will be 8+1, im sooooo pleased but so scared at the same time, because i feel so different with this one ive convinced myself something could be wrong but trying my hardest to stay positive. I remember having a scan at 7 weeks with tia and could see her little heart beating away so hopefully should be able to see a little more.

Fingers crossed for thursday :cheer: :cheer: How is everyone feeling today, im so tired i cant keep my eyes open :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: xxx
Ah dont be scared about your scan! Enjoy it :dance:
Me tired too, spent most of the day in and out of bed, cant remeber the last time i stayed awake for a full day! :shock:
Thats great news hun!!! Glad all went well with the MW and all the best for you scan! :cheer: :hug:
just seen this hun woo- hoo so pleased for you

glad you got the scan soon hun be great to see the little heart beating away,

anyway hope to catch up soon hun and let us know how u get on :hug: :hug:

i dont really need to post this as you know how excited i am for you with this pregnancy!!

lemme know how it goes missus :dance:
Good luck for Thursday :hug: I'm sure everything will be absolutely perfect! x

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