Midwife at 28 weeks !


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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So I had my midwife appt yesterday and I felt absolutely fine all day, but after she'd taken my blood I came over all light headed, really hot and couldn't see properly and was so close to throwing up. So she made me lay down and take deep breaths and sip water then wouldn't let me leave the surgery til I felt better. After a couple of minutes I felt back to normal and she took my blood pressure again and everything was fine. She didn't seem too concerned because my BP was normal and there was nothing obviously wrong.
Normal blood pressure, normal wee, I'd eaten and drank plenty that day and I used to be a regular blood doner so it wasn't the blood. I've never felt like that before in my life!!! It was a wee bit scary to say the least! :shock::shock::shock:

Has anyone else felt all dizzy and funny while being pregnant for no apparent reason?

Horrid horrid sensation!

:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
Yep I know how you feel - I felt like that in asda once, really horrible faint feeling but it's normal just not very pleasant x
I used to be like that having bloods done before i was pregnant, this time touch wood ive been fine xxx
Yes all the time. with my first i would actually pass out a lot i was anemic.
this time ive had loads of times i feel all dizzy and lightheaded but doesnt seem to be a reason for it :s
Yeah I get that quite a lot. My midwife put it down to being "just one of those things"!
I wish it wasn't 'one of those things' :( lol. It was horrible! Good to know I'm not the only one though, maybe i'm a little anaemic? Stay tuned to find out next week...

:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:

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