Midwife Apt yesterday


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hiya went to see the midwife yesterday afternoon still have trace protein in my wee but my blood pressure is fine and I have no swelling so she's not worried. BUT on Tuesday night I had was felt like period pains at the bottom of my bump then got some tighenings with pain it felt like someone what grapping me from inside and tighening their fist and twisting at the same time. This went on for about 2 hrs have about 5 tightening during this time. Well I assumed it was braxton hicks cos I've been getting tightenings at the top of my bump for the last couple of weeks. But the midwife said the ones on Tuesday night were more like early labour pains :shock: OR it could be the start of a water infection. But apparently a water infection can bring on early labour. She had a good feel of my tummy and baby's head is down so she sent me away with instructions to drink lots and lots more fluid and cranberry juice and if I get more tightenings at the bottom of my bump to call the labour ward. I was driving into work this morning and got one but only one so will be keeping a close eye on things :D. Hopefullly I will a few more weeks before bubs decides to make an appearance. :D
Glad everything went well, hope those pains are nothing sinister- but baby- you need to stay in there for a bit longer, you've not done cooking yet!! :hug: :hug:
Thanks Tangerinedream that's what I've been telling bubs too :D
Hope the pains ease off hun and its nothing serious. Glad your appt went well tho.
Sounds like me :shock: although I know I've got a water infection and I'm halfway through my antibiotics, I get these pains too :|
The midwife didn't give me any antibiotics just told me to drink lots of cranberry juice and fluids and see how I go.
Hope drinking lots does the trick.....although it's a pain when you need to go the loo so often! xx

Hope it goes soon for you hun , i wonder why she didnt give you antibiotics wierd :think:
I hope your pains ease off. I had a UTI a few weeks ago and it was quite painful. If the drinks don't help do ask your MW or GP for some anti-biotics. A short course should do the trick (if it is a urine infection). They might ask to send a sample of wee off to the lab first to check.

Thanks girls - been drinking lots more haven't had anymore pains since so hoping it was just a onces off.
I have had simillar symptons but I have been told thats becasue my baby is still finding time to move around the little monkey! Shes still small enough to turn around!

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