Hiya went to see the midwife yesterday afternoon still have trace protein in my wee but my blood pressure is fine and I have no swelling so she's not worried. BUT on Tuesday night I had was felt like period pains at the bottom of my bump then got some tighenings with pain it felt like someone what grapping me from inside and tighening their fist and twisting at the same time. This went on for about 2 hrs have about 5 tightening during this time. Well I assumed it was braxton hicks cos I've been getting tightenings at the top of my bump for the last couple of weeks. But the midwife said the ones on Tuesday night were more like early labour pains
OR it could be the start of a water infection. But apparently a water infection can bring on early labour. She had a good feel of my tummy and baby's head is down so she sent me away with instructions to drink lots and lots more fluid and cranberry juice and if I get more tightenings at the bottom of my bump to call the labour ward. I was driving into work this morning and got one but only one so will be keeping a close eye on things
. Hopefullly I will a few more weeks before bubs decides to make an appearance.