Midwife Appt


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Had an appt yesterday, and she is 1/5th engaged!

Is it just me, or is the feeling of them wiggling the babys head in your pelvis OMG HORRIBLE !? :shock: I hated it!

She is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, Midwife says she is big.. but is all arms and legs!! Lol and she is back to back, so imma google ways to try and turn her, any one know any tips?
Not long left now! Lots of people recommend sitting on a birthing ball on getting on all fours to get the baby in the right position.
Oh my god, One more person tells me not long now, im gonna sue LOL its still bloody long enough!!!
Oh my god, One more person tells me not long now, im gonna sue LOL its still bloody long enough!!!

LOL! I'm the complete opposite. I have less than 5 weeks until due date but want time to just slow down a bit! I start maternity leave as of next week though so will be sitting around all day and I can see myself getting impatient then too for his arrival.

Women! There's no pleasing us is there? LOL
Doh! You're so lucky! My MW keeps telling me that she's head down but hasn't told me if she's engaaged yet! I don't have another MW appointment until the 22nd now and I go in for my sweep the day after that so I'm hoping that she is ready :D She certainly feels incredibly low down.... sometimes feels like she's gonna split me in two, lol!

Doh! You're so lucky! My MW keeps telling me that she's head down but hasn't told me if she's engaaged yet! I don't have another MW appointment until the 22nd now and I go in for my sweep the day after that so I'm hoping that she is ready :D She certainly feels incredibly low down.... sometimes feels like she's gonna split me in two, lol!


Mine didnt -tell- me, but she did put it in my notes, so i rummaged through to check.
wow thats cool!! cant believe youve only got like 3 weeks left basically! crazy how quickly time flies x

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