Midwife Appointment.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Well just got back from my 25wk appointment, blood pressure fine (even though I would even no if it was high or low), Pee fine and measured and heartbeat heard!! I did panic a little as she measured and said I was 24 and half cm, and then I realised I was only 0.5cm smaller.. :) heartbeat was beating away at 142bpm... She booked me in for my ante-natel class for next monday (9th) and my next midwife is at 28wks :) (only 3 weeks, which a lot better than waiting the 9weeks like last time) and I've got to have bloods!
Well let's hope I don't follow the same pattern as last time, went ante-natel class when pregnant with brooke and went into labour 2 weeks after! :)

Will I see midwife every 3weeks now till I get closer? Or is it just a extra appointment so I can have my bloods done? Xxx
Ooohhh how exciting!!! I've got my 25 week appointment in 3 weeks and it seems aaaages since last visit. I get my bloods done at 25 week appointment and then I have no idea - lol - my midwife wrote down all the dates I see her in my notes but they are at home - everywhere is different though. I have my classes starting on 20th May for 4 weeks and I also have a hospital visit on 28th May to get a tour! Its all beginning to be a bit too real now eh? So, how early were you last time with Brooke? I'll look up my notes later and let you know the frequency of my mw visits from now on. I know that at about 36 weeks she will come to my house and go over birthing plan - EEK
She was born at 33wks... I thought I only got a refresher ante-natel class as its just 1 day, but you have joshua so not sure why I have only one 2hr class, unless they give me more dates at the class! I've got to go on my own anyway as OH at work, and mum will be at work to! :( xx
I will go on my own too.... Its boring for the guys anyway - I dont think my hubby will want a reminder of my last labour (last seen praying into a bible :shock:) lol

I've just realised I've only 2 weeks to go, not 3 till midwife appt. Yay! I'll phone now and make appointment that suits with work. Everywhere is different so maybe you will only get the one class. I got my letter ages ago with the dates of my classes and they are not compulsory but I will go along for the natter :dance:

I'll look at my notes and let you know!
I wa kind of offered antenatal classes but midwife said they have them but wouldn't be any use to me anyway!! This is baby number 3 and I def have to have a csection this time so prob is a waste of time. Would of been nice to meet people though :(
Yay glad all went well :yay:
So reassuring!! xx
Kellyhook I hope you don't mind me asking a question - did they measure your bump whilst you were lying down or standing up? And where abouts did they measure you? So sorry to hijack your thread with a question of my own but I've been really stressing about the size of my bump and am nervous about being measured! xx
Its fine hun, I was lying down and they measure from the bottom of uterus (around pubic bone) to the top of the uterus (they have a feel of your tummy to find out where this is!) Its nothing to worry about though hun, I think my bump was huge but I was measuring fine (infact 0.5cm smaller than the standard size).. What are stressing about, the actual size or just having to have it felt by midwife?? X
The fact that so many people have mentioned how big I am for my dates, so I'm scared I'll measure too big. I know I'm probably stressing about nothing but I'm a born worrier! Thanks hun :) x
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The fact that so many people have mentioned how big I am for my dates, so I'm scared I'll measure too big. I know I'm probably stressing about nothing but I'm a born worrier! Thanks hun :) x

Hi Lulu, I wouldn't panic too much, it might that you're carrying a lot of water as opposed to a big baby. Like Kelly said, they measure from the pubic bone area to about 2cm higher than your belly button, for 24 weeks you should be about 24cm. I really wouldn't worry too much as at this stage a lot of babies are in the breech position (my friend has this) so measurements are sometimes off, my friend who is 5 days ahead of me is measuring at 27cm I think but they've said it's nothing to worry about :) I don't think they can give you a good estimate on if it's a big or small baby until 32+ weeks so hopefully this will put your mind at ease :) x
Everyone says I'm massive, a friend that I hadn't seen since I first got pregnant said ' you must not have long left now your huge' her mouth nearly hit the floor when I told her I had just under 15wks left and I'm measuring smaller! But I wouldn't worry bout it hun I'm sure every thing is fine! Xx
I've looked in my notes now and midwife sees me as follows:-

25 weeks
28 weeks + bloods
31 weeks
34 weeks + bloods
36 weeks
38 weeks
40 weeks

Hope this helps....

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