Midwife appointment today!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Well I was shocked to get a phone call this morning asking if I could make an appointment at 1 o'clock today! :eek:

She seemed lovely but it was all just the boring filling in forms stuff.

Last time I didn't get an appointment until I was 10 weeks so I was pleased to get the ball rolling already! Although I know it's still going to be about 5 weeks until I can have my scan :wall: Arrrggghhh so long to wait :wall: :lol:
how exciting!! Makes it all seem more real i bet!
OH asked me the other day when we have to meet the MW and i couldn't remember.

Oh the forms! i swear you can get a mortgage and buy a house and fill in less forms!!!!

Time will fly - it will seem like a few more months and then you will be posting your birth story :hug: :hug:
glad it went well!
i have my scan before my midwife appointment?
i will be about 13 weeks when i see the midwife.
is this longer then usual?
Ahhhhh but Jools...the time will fly...it had better as I cannot wait to meet Brody/Brodina #2 :D
That is early i didnt see a MV till i was 12 weeks
Glad it went well though :D
You'll be in tri3 posting your in labour before you know it!!! it really dose go quick :lol:
glad it went well!
i have my scan before my midwife appointment?
i will be about 13 weeks when i see the midwife.
is this longer then usual?

I wouldnt worry Claire, I will be 15 weeks when I have my 1st Midwife appointment, although not ideal its the first appointment I could get for when I get back to the UK permanently!
glad it went well!
i have my scan before my midwife appointment?
i will be about 13 weeks when i see the midwife.
is this longer then usual?

Apparently it's new and called an intro. I then have my scan then proper booking in after my scan :D
my midwife tried to pop round last sunday but i was out but she poped a few bit in letterbox for me as she away until agust and i need my blood forms,

i wont see my midwife now until 1st aug

glad you seen yours so early wish i had with mine
Glad it all went well and that the ball is well and truly rolling :D

I've also been told I'll have my scan before seeing the midwife.
I had a brief apt with MW at 8 weeks but she said just to call her once I have had my 12 weeks scan to get all the rest done.

I was thrilled to see my MW actually, she was my MW with Holly too but she has been off on long term sick as she had cancer. When I went to see a MW in January with my other brief pregnancy it was another woman ~(who actually I didn't feel I liked that much). When Pat (my MW) called me in to the room we had a big hug, she hadn't realised it was me either because my surname has changed since getting married. Pat was also my Mum's MW and she delivered both me and my brother!! :cheer:
carlyr874 said:
I had a brief apt with MW at 8 weeks but she said just to call her once I have had my 12 weeks scan to get all the rest done.

I was thrilled to see my MW actually, she was my MW with Holly too but she has been off on long term sick as she had cancer. When I went to see a MW in January with my other brief pregnancy it was another woman ~(who actually I didn't feel I liked that much). When Pat (my MW) called me in to the room we had a big hug, she hadn't realised it was me either because my surname has changed since getting married. Pat was also my Mum's MW and she delivered both me and my brother!! :cheer:

That is brilliant :cheer: It must be lovely to know you already get on well :cheer:

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