Midwife appointment today - YIPPEEEEEE


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Well, at 3:45, im seeing my midwife and i know im definently getting a sweep - WOOOO!!

Forgot to tell you all - i think i had one of the most embarrasing moments of my life yesterday! Thought i was leaking waters, so trotted off to day unit - who sent me up to delivery suite!!! Then i got put in an actual delivery room - made it more real seein it all again (brought bacl painful memories!!) well, i thought all they do is give you an internal and that determines wether you waters have gone or not... Well.. NO, i found myself with legs spread, an instrument in me to widen the passage and a spotlight shinin on my mary with a midwife starin askin me to cough!!!!!!! I wouldnt mind but, mymwaters hadnt even gone!! I was so embarrased havin a light shone...there! Lol! Lord!

But anyhow - back to today, fingers crossed my sweep works ey ladies!

x x
Oooooh hope sweep works! x hope you don't mind me asking but why did it bring back painful memories? x
Being in the delivery room you mean? Because last time i was in there i was giving birth to my son haha, so verrrryyy painful memories, it all came screaming back to me haha x
Omg, i think i'd die! hahaha!! Bless you!

Good luck for today sweet, really hope it goes well!
Being in the delivery room you mean? Because last time i was in there i was giving birth to my son haha, so verrrryyy painful memories, it all came screaming back to me haha x

Aw bless you! I can't remember the pain! Sure it'll come flooding back when it happens! x all I remember is the instant she was put on me! Lol! I must have severe selective memory!
omg big red face.. Very embarrassing.. Good luck x
:)hehe, that was me on saturday! with a massive spotlight too! and no...waters still intact!!
Best of luck for your sweep...surely you must be more lucky than me!! fingers all crossed!!! Bet you have your baby before me!!!!:):)
Thanks girls! Trying to not get my heart set on the sweep workin cos it was the second sweep which worked for me with my first, but hopefully it will move things along!!

Haha im still kinda nervous about this sweep even after my horrific experience yesterday!!

Minchin - arnt you getting induced tomorrow? Exciting stuff!!

x x
Yes!! Induction tomorrow! Just repacking our hospital bags at the mo and doing bit of resorting in the nursery!!! eeek!! really hope it's a 'good' induction and not toooo slow!
Good luck this afternoon...
Omg I been through the omfg have my waters gone in my last two pregnancies lol!! I thought they went again 3 or 4 days ago i was sat on the settee and gush! My husband was like eeeee exciting! I haven't had it checked as it wasn't huge and didn't want to tell you ladies on here coz i knew you would all say go to get it checked (sorry ladies) lol :blush: but I have had enough of triage I haven't had anything else either so I'm guessing it's another hind break like my last two were confirmed as lol thank goodness! Lol but omg yes embarrassing and brings it all back lol x

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Omg I been through the omfg have my waters gone in my last two pregnancies lol!! I thought they went again 3 or 4 days ago i was sat on the settee and gush! My husband was like eeeee exciting! I haven't had it checked as it wasn't huge and didn't want to tell you ladies on here coz i knew you would all say go to get it checked (sorry ladies) lol :blush: but I have had enough of triage I haven't had anything else either so I'm guessing it's another hind break like my last two were confirmed as lol thank goodness! Lol but omg yes embarrassing and brings it all back lol x

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EVIE!!!!! I would poke you with a great big stick if I had one! Grrrrr! When's your next mw appt? Go get it checked out NOW! Never mind anything else like being sick of triage! Go go go!
No no no!! Lol I have a scan on the 9th lol!! It was only like an egg cup full anyway lol!!! I'm good x

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good luck for your sweep today hope it gets thing moving for you!!

I saw ANOTHER different midwife who said it was ''against her law'' to sweep before term+7! But the mw i saw last week said she would do it this week!!! If i wasnt seeing my consultant tomorrow (where i know i am definently having a sweep and induction date as its written in my notes) then i would be majorly pissed off! Im still angry,but just looking forward to tomorrow now. Not engaged still, she said she could feel 4/5ths of his head!

Gawd if i wasnt seein my consultant tomorrow that would mean i wouldnt get a sweep until 10 days overdue!-next wednesday! So roll on tomorrow!

(she also made some smart remarks about my 'type' who dont get stretchmarks and walk out of hospital 2 days after in their size 8 jeans! I thought .. My 'type'!? Cheeky bitch!)

4/5ths is engaged Slightly woot woot it just means baby has 4/5ths above and 1/5th in place!!!!! Woot woot!!!!!!

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ohhon, know how you feel!! at least seeing your consultant tomorrow. Funny how midwives have different ways of doing things, not fair really...as means different ladies get different deals. My friend had a sweep yesterday one day before term!! Said her cervix was back like mine but mw managed to massage it!! not fair-they didn't try that for me :oooo: well at least consultant tomorrow!! :)

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