*Mhairi's Sleep Training Thread*

Squig & Newmum.....I hope things are going well with you and your LO's!

I'm sorry I've not updated for a few days, things are a bit chaotic with a full time job, full time baby and hospital visiting!

Well, ladies.........IT'S WORKED!!!!

A whole week of sleep training and voila.....Mhairi goes to bed at 7pm, no noise, straight to sleep. Wakens at 6:30 (I even had to waken HER one morning!)

We still have the odd night of wakening during the night, but it's for 2 seconds until I stick the dummy back in.

I'm soooo proud of my little girl! I'm even wondering if she knows that something is happening and "knows" that mummy needs sleep!?!?! Anyways, whatever the reason, it's done its job!

Good luck to all of you!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
wow that's great. good girl! We're having mostly good nights too although I can tell when she is unsettled in the day then she might wake in the night, but she goes straight back again. I guess with time she will just knock out that middle of the night waking and sleep through. But for now I am so so pleased that she is cracking it.
You've done really well with Mhairi.
Is your man back yet? wondered if she remembered him.

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