Met my MW


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I had my first appointment with the MW yesterday - it's a different one to last time and I haven't met her before, but she seemed really friendly :D

Totally happy with me having a homebirth unless I become badly anaemic near the end (hopefully wont happen as I will take iron tablets starting in the 3rd tri as I don't want to be zapped of energy like last time!). I got my notes, though she will fill in the majority at my booking in appointment in around 4 weeks time, I'm sure they've changed since I had Ella as there is a double page bit on breastfeeding which I didn't notice before in there, it details the benefits of breastfeeding and risks of bottlefeeding, have you all got that in yours or is it just something to do with my hospital?

She said my scan will be between 12-15 weeks, which is gutting. 12 weeks seems far enough away, 15 weeks seems forever!!

How exciting!!!

Sure it will pass in no time hun!!!! :cheer:
Seems so long though, hate the first tri it sucks!!! :wall:
i had mine last week too. i was suprised when the MW said that my scan shoudl eb done before 12 weeks as i thought it was always on or more likely after. just want it to come now but would still like to be able to see it move andhear the heartbeat etc. dont suppose i woudl see much yet?
ive heard that more people are chosing to have home births andi can ssee the advantages. think im too chicken though!
Kina said:
Seems so long though, hate the first tri it sucks!!! :wall:

i alkways think the first tri goes the fastest but then again i never found out i wass preggas as soon as you lot seem to find out. :think:
i haven't got the double page breast feeding thing but i do have a whole seperate leaflet about the benefits of breastfeeding from the bounty pack stuff. seeing the midwife for the first time is different depending on your area, here it is between 8-10 weeks.
hi Kina :)

You should get thescan before then. I would say to your midwife that you are rather anxious about making sure all is well and then see what she says.

I am sure if you push you should get one.
When do you normally get to meet the midwife for the first time? I haven't got my appointment until 13th September, seems like a really long wait? Or is that normal? I think I'll be about 12 weeks then.
My MW said they like to see you between 6-8 weeks, then again for booking in around 10 weeks :)

Have decided to have a private early scan next week to check all is ok in there, wish I could just bloody relax but it seems like it's not in my nature :roll:
Kayl1986 said:
Kina i'm worrying a little too. every twinge I have i'm thinking did I have this when pregnant on Summer. i'm think i'm worse this time then on Summer. i worried the whole time on Summer until she was born. now I still worry about her lol. joys of being a mother.
well i'm only 5 weeks on monday how pathetic is that. i've got ages to go. I've registered with midwifes at my doc appoint not heard anything yet though. ante natal is really rubbish here hope I havent got same midwife.

so ur going private for early scan. if u do post a pic would love to see

take care hun

dont u find it exhausting looking after Ella and being pregnant.
Summer likes to be chased it's killing me :rotfl: . xxx

Agree with everything you've said!! Am worried more this time than last and looking after Ella is tiring (especially when she's up at 5.30am).

I do get pics so will definately post them (providing there is something in there!), think it will only be a dot, but hey, a dot is a dot! :lol:

Hope you get a different midwife too hon :)
havent ment my midwife yet havenet heard a thing and i am 8 weeks. i have a friend at work who is 13 weeks and hasnt met hers yet.
13 weeks and no MW? Blimey :shock: Has she not been booked in yet? What about her blood tests and things that will need to be done? Or do things work differently where you are and they are done by the doc?

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