Merv's Mum - Can I pick your brains?!

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Hi Lisa!

Could you give me some advice on cloth nappies please?

There might be a thread already covering what I need to know but I just wanted to check that I have the right idea about this.

Im going to use a combination of Tots Bots, prefolds and terry nappies. With the Tots Bots I have disposable and washable liners and I am planning on getting some nice soft boosters.

So, when you dry pail your nappies do you put anything in the bucket with them like essential oil?

How many boosters do you think should be adequate, 3, 5, more?

Thats it really, I think I was getting too much info and confusing myself :eh:

Also, about washable wipes. I have been soaking mine in a weak Napisan solution until I have enough to wash with my other load. When they come out of the washer I put them into a solution of water and tea tree oil or lavender. Now I have noticed that a day after I have put them into their box they have started to smell a teeny bit 'fousty' - Im not sure if its because Im washing them on a 40 deg wash or not? I am considering drying them and then using them with a separate solution in a bottle now; what do you do with yours?

No probs hun although I'm no expert and some of the other girls might be able to add their thoughts too.....

In the pail I put a few drops of tea tree oil on to a flushable liner in the bottom - works a treat :)

I'd just get a few boosters to start with, say 3 and see if they nappies actually need them. I dont boost Tots Bots bamboozles I just use a fleece liner and that's it. You can try with and without and dont forget you can put them in different nappies so they wont go to waste.

With the wipes - how long are they soaking? I just put my dirty ones that I use on Hebe in water and tea tree. What are you clean ones in? Mine are in camomile tea and lavender. Because I'm washing nappies they dirty ones are only in the nappy or the water and tea tree for 24-48hrs max and I wash on 60 degrees with soap nuts and a dash of napisan. I dont dry them - they come out the washer and straight in a fresh solution.

does that help?

No probs hun although I'm no expert and some of the other girls might be able to add their thoughts too.....

In the pail I put a few drops of tea tree oil on to a flushable liner in the bottom - works a treat :)

I'd just get a few boosters to start with, say 3 and see if they nappies actually need them. I dont boost Tots Bots bamboozles I just use a fleece liner and that's it. You can try with and without and dont forget you can put them in different nappies so they wont go to waste.

With the wipes - how long are they soaking? I just put my dirty ones that I use on Hebe in water and tea tree. What are you clean ones in? Mine are in camomile tea and lavender. Because I'm washing nappies they dirty ones are only in the nappy or the water and tea tree for 24-48hrs max and I wash on 60 degrees with soap nuts and a dash of napisan. I dont dry them - they come out the washer and straight in a fresh solution.

does that help?


Mervs Mum - are the soap nuts recommended for normal washing?
I agree with what lisa says I've never used boosters with tot bots or terry squares although jack moves too much for terry squares now!!!!

I put a couple of drops of tea tree straight into the nappy bucket but that is purely to stop the smell knocking me out when I remove the lid!

I put the dirty wipes in a solution of water, tea tree and lemon essential oils, I too don't dry the wipes just stick them straight into my camamile tea and lavender solution

I wash everything every 48 hours including any clean wipes I have I then wipe my clean box with napisan and stick it in the dishwasher, as they come out I make my clean wipe solution and found that that sorts the musty smell and keeps it at bay
good job there is some good ppl in the world like uses, i think its hard work having a pack of nappy and wipes in every room when there tiny so im not running about and use are making up your own solutions and washing nappies good on uses wish i was like it xxxxxx
Thanks MM and Mrs H - its my wipes in my clean box that start to smell a bit musty very quickly. I have water and tea tree in there at the moment, I thought the tea tree would inhibit any smells. I soak my dirty wipes in Napisan and water. Perhaps I will start putting them on a 60 wash and that might solve it :)

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