Men 6 months paternity leave


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Sorry I have a very helpful man who does half of the child care! :D

I think 6 months is a good idea especially if they can take it off at different times to the mum. My DH is jealous as hell because most of his friends have all had babies in the last few years and in Sweden the dads get 9 months off work paid after the mums have had their maternity pay. Usually this is topped up to 1 months as a good will gesture by the company that they work for. A lot of his best friends are being home dads at the moment and he so wants to be, bless him :)
Pssssf... I don't even get 6 bloody months maternity here... just 16weeks :wall: :wall: :wall:
Squiglet said:
Pssssf... I don't even get 6 bloody months maternity here... just 16weeks :wall: :wall: :wall:

16 weeks???

Is that post birth or the whole duration?
midna said:
Squiglet said:
Pssssf... I don't even get 6 bloody months maternity here... just 16weeks :wall: :wall: :wall:

Coor think what Henrik would do with 16 weeks off ...he could lvl up again perhaps? :lol:

nah we'd have a fully integrated, surround sound, Linex based, IT station in every room of the house so we'd never have to speak to each other ever again, and communicate through emails...all under the pretense of folding laundry... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I hope this comes in before we have IVF :dance: :dance: :dance:

I get one years maternity leave where I work (as long as I have been there 18 months which by then I would be) so if OH could get 6 months off after that, it means we wouldnt need childcare until he's 18 months old by which time he/she would be old enough for nursery!

Ohh fab idea :)

Well.....that is if my OH understands the concept of sharing the load, as you say Midna.....I think he would but we'll see :lol:
How could people afford it though? Men would get the same SMP as women (SPP?!). I suppose if it was at different times it'd be do-able, but we're gonna be in debt after my maternity leave and will both need to work to get back to normal...
I know my DH would think it was a fab idea. I know he's already wanting to have more than his couple of weeks off with me and the baby.

I think it would be good for me too because (sorry ladies) but he would definately share the work load with me.
In Germany men get 14 months paternity leave with 67% of their pay. My sister who lives out there is sooooo lucky. She also only pays about £35 for a really great kindergarten for her kids (each) grrrrrrr :evil:
midna said:
he will spend his 6 months completing PC games... :roll:
sounds just like my boyf! he too would spend the whole 6 months on his pc or ps3- i'd better make sure he dont find out about this or he'll be hiding my birth control pills!
I think it sounds silly tbh...

My man wouldnt do it, and I wouldnt expect him to.... how could you afford to with the crappy SMP as it is?

When we had Arianna, my husband took the 2wks off as holidays rather than paternity leave as we would have lost way too much money.
Under the new proposals, they are expected to be entitled to a fortnight's paid leave followed by a further five-and-a-half months unpaid, taken before the child's first birthday.

They will, however, be allowed to take time off only if their partner has gone back to work.

Unpaid.. and who can afford that :think:

OH would love it, he is right down the middle in terms or parenting responsibility, he'd work part time and look after Jack but he just happens to earn the most cos he's better at sales than me :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Under the new proposals, they are expected to be entitled to a fortnight's paid leave followed by a further five-and-a-half months unpaid, taken before the child's first birthday.

They will, however, be allowed to take time off only if their partner has gone back to work.

Unpaid.. and who can afford that :think:

OH would love it, he is right down the middle in terms or parenting responsibility, he'd work part time and look after Jack but he just happens to earn the most cos he's better at sales than me :lol:

oh that puts a different slant on it....theres no way we could do it if its unpaid!!!
Here in Canada my husband can get 80% pay for I think a year with his medical insurance.

But he won't use it for 2 reasons:
- the reduction in wages
- he thinks that if he takes some/all of it won't help his prospects where he is, and also having a gap in his cv just doesn't look good.
Hmm it's great if you're an employer and have to keep that person's job open :? My parents own a small business and couldn't afford for it to happen - too much effort to retrain someone for 6 mths etc. My hubby works for them and as it was he only took a week off!

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