membrane sweep


Nov 8, 2009
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Has anybody had a membrane sweep and was it succseful?? im due on the 6th of december and ive got a membrane sweep on the 1st of december! x x x
I had 3 last time. One 10 days before EDD, one 6 days before and one the day after at about waters went at 4am the next morning :)
do u think i have a chance of mine workin?? ive been getting really bad pains lately and dnt kno wha they r lol x x x
Have you been examined before? I was 1-2cm when they did the first one and each time I wasnt much more. I didnt have any pains really.

Is it your first? There's no reason for it not to work :D
i think my worked, i was 6 days over due, and had one the saturday morning, and i went into labour the sunday night :D good luck :D
My Midwife only does sweeps 7 days after EDD. She tried to do one when i was pregnant with Niamh but couldn't as my cervix was too high so i was booked in for induction 5 days later. However i went into labour 12 hours later and Niamh was born after a 4 hour labour!! So she must have disturbed something!
my mw only does them 10 days after your EDD, she came out to do mine with katie and i was contracting every 4 mins and was 4cm, so i didnt need it!! hope it works for you
My midwife wanted to do one when I was 9 days overdue with Toby, but my cervix was still so high and posterior that she couldn't reach it... and there was me thinking things were going to start happening naturally at any second :rofl:

I ended up being induced when I was 13 days overdue and he was finally born the next day. I hope yours works for you! :D

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