Mei Tai

Lola's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
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I would really like a mei tai but don't know which is the best to buy :think:

I've been looking at the babyhawk ones but the site is based in Amercia so i'm a bit worried about custom charges.

Can anyone recommend a good mei tai? :)
:wave: Melanie hasn't got and babyhawk's in stock :(

Is the babyhawk the best mei tai to get?

Lola has now decided she doesn't like her pram anymore and wants to be carried. I'm currently carrying her in a kari me sling which is fine but i'm thinking about just carring her most of the time now and not bothering with the pram so want more support etc.

The other ones i've looked at don't seem to look as good as the babhawk and i've noticed the babyhawk seems to have padding/support for the head.

Is it ok if she falls asleep in it?

Sorry about all the questions but i'm really not sure which ones best for us :)
Thea still sleeps in our Mai Teis hun so thats no problem.
The three top brands i really recommend are Kozy, Babyhawk and Ball baby carrier. Ellaroo and catbird MT's are great too and normally really easy to get hold of.
I've heard great things about crysalis carrier too from some of my babywearing friends but ive never tried them myself so i cant give you a personal opinion on them (i do trust my friends judgements though)

If you are already using a wrap why not think about moving from the stretchy to a woven? Woven wraps rock!

If you see any carrier you like the look of pm me with a link and ill check it out for you if you like :)
Thanks Melanie :hug:

I'm going to have a good look at them tonight. I'll pm you the one's i like and it'd be great if you could help me choose :D
Just to say Lola's mummy that I got my babyhawk from America and wasn't charged any custom on it :D
and my moby wrap came from america and i didnt get charged either :D
i bought my babyhawk from the US and often buy nappies from there and have never got charged by customs.

I love my babyhawk
I've replied :)
I've never been charged customs for any of my carriers or nappies either.
I was unlucky and got charged customs. I think it was £12 or £13, of which £8 was basically an admin charge added by Royal Mail :wall:

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