I feel so pants at the moment. I'm SO tired I feel like I could sleep for a month. Doesn't help that I keep waking up in the night needing to pee!! My blood sugar levels are all over the place and have realised that I now need to eat something every 2 hours or I start to feel awful ~ i'm being good though and eating lots of fruit snacks. My brain's all fuzzy and I can't concentrate and I just want to sleep all the time
Is this normal or should I get myself checked out? I suffer from ME so that doesn't help with the fatigue!
Eugh...have to go to work now. Thankfully I only work mornings so can sleep in the afternoon. At least my boss isn't in today so I'll be able to do bugger all!!

Is this normal or should I get myself checked out? I suffer from ME so that doesn't help with the fatigue!
Eugh...have to go to work now. Thankfully I only work mornings so can sleep in the afternoon. At least my boss isn't in today so I'll be able to do bugger all!!