

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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I feel so pants at the moment. I'm SO tired I feel like I could sleep for a month. Doesn't help that I keep waking up in the night needing to pee!! My blood sugar levels are all over the place and have realised that I now need to eat something every 2 hours or I start to feel awful ~ i'm being good though and eating lots of fruit snacks. My brain's all fuzzy and I can't concentrate and I just want to sleep all the time :sleep:

Is this normal or should I get myself checked out? I suffer from ME so that doesn't help with the fatigue!

Eugh...have to go to work now. Thankfully I only work mornings so can sleep in the afternoon. At least my boss isn't in today so I'll be able to do bugger all!!
I hate to say it but it is pretty normal hon. I had a good few weeks of just feeling totally exhausted all the time. It does pass, but it's pretty rough. If you're finding it really hard to cope with, it's worth askign your GP to test your iron levels, just in case they're low, as that can make fatigue worse. I can't imagine how much worse it must be with ME as well you poor thing! Sending you lots of these :hug: and hope it improves soon.
I have to eat about every hour so I don't feel sick and faint.
It's fine when I'm at home but when I'm out and about I have to remember to take some snacks with me.
To begin with I ate cakes and biscuits as snacks but I've now changed to fruit, toast and cereal if at home - which is a bit healthier.

I go through phases of tiredness - some days I'm fine, others I'm knackered. I'm usually always asleep by 10pm if not before. I also have to pee in the night and am also experiencing really vivid random dreams. Mostly about toilets which is amusing.
quite, QUITE normal, i'm afraid! i am hoping i'll feel better after 12 weeks (i did last time) so only a month to wait! argh a whole month. lmao
Ooh I had my first proper weird dream last night! I was wondering what everyone was talking about until now! I'm telling you, it was quite bizarre, and very scary!
Aww hon I feel for you and know EXACTLY what you mean.

Especially about the eating. My relationship with food has changed completely since my BFP. It was around week 5/6 that someone told me about force feeding and I now have to eat something every 1-2hrs or I start to get the nausea peaking again and that awful woozy, dizzy feeling. I cannot eat a full meal, I can only eat the equivalent of a bowl of cereal at a time as I physically can't fit any more in. It's awful but it can't last forever :(

Even when I'm not pregnant I have to get up around 3 times a night to pee so you can imagine what it's like now. I sleep for 1-2hrs at a time before getting up for a wazz and it's making me just absolutely shattered.

As others have said, I find it does come and go. I've had a total of 3 completely nausea-free days so far which was ace. And the tiredness comes and goes in cycles of around 2 weeks on 2 weeks off I'd say.

Just remember "this too shall pass"

Thank you all :hug:

Feel a bit better about it now you've all said you feel exactly the same. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning and my brain's not working properly at all today!!

I now carry around a satsuma wherever I go just incase I start to feel icky. I've also started to drink more fruit juices and that seems to be helping. I vaguely remember feeling like this the last time and I'm sure once I sort out my eating routine I won't feel as bad. Just the tiredness to cope with now!

As for weird dreams I tend to get them pretty much all the time so no change there. I am starting to get dreams where I have children now, which i've never had before. Oooo, and last night I dreamt I won £142,000 on a fruit machine but for some reason they wouldn't let me cash the cheque, which was most upsetting :lol: I always have to get out in the night to pee normally but last night it was 3 times in 6 hours, which was very irritating. Why do we pee so much? It's not like there's anything pressing on our bladders yet?!

stock answer to everything but it boils down to two things:

- your body is filtering more urine as it now has a baby to contend with and therefore more waste products
- your blood supply is increasing by up to 50% over the next 6 weeks or so (most of that is made up of plasma (mostly water) very early on) which is partly why we are so thirsty. This also means that there is more blood for your kidneys to filter, producing more urine.

couple that with your growing uterus squashing your poor bladder against your pubic bone (although maybe this is a little closer to the 12w mark) and it's no wonder!!

Oh and I also heard a theory that the relaxin hormone which gives us all backache and sore bellies also relaxes the shpincter muscles around your bladder which means the pressure sensors are set off earlier.

So basically you're making more urine faster and able to hold less in than before you were pregnant.

You don't stand a chance :lol:
plus we're now more likely to get UTI which makes you need to wee even more!
Oh the joys of growing small humans...
Blimey :shock: well, we're screwed then!!! :rotfl:

I can't believe how moody I am too. I've NO tolerance for anything or anyone and i've started blubbing at crap tv.

I am well and truly pathetic at the moment :lol:
oh god the blubbing is the worst :lol:

That has calmed down a bit with me but I am still very emotional, especially when it comes to birth and babies. I get the whole "wow I'm so happy for them" kind of thing and burst into tears. Even when reading my preg. books. It's pathetic

And the grumps come and go. I have been snapping at poor hubby left right and centre and he has taken most of it on the chin bless him. I can't help it I am just so irritable at the mo! Little things that wouldn't normally bother you suddenly become 100x as irritating :lol:

Hope you feel better hon. It did calm down a little for me around week 6 (although the nausea hasn't abated apart from those three glorious days)
How was it della? Did you make it through the film without blubbing?
I'm tired too hannah, i finished work at 6 yesterday, home by 6.30, OH cooked tea which i ate about half of, i was asleep by 7.30 :oops: But now i'm up at 5am and not amused!! I'm carrying clementines around with me for the same reason hun, fruit and water is about all thats stopping me feeling sick right now :hug: :hug:
Feeling a bit more human this morning, although still very tired. Just wish my dogs would wake up a bit later so I could sleep more. I'm going to be hopeless at getting up early with a child, but my husband's an early bird so he said he'd take of that responsibility!
Thankfully my blood sugar levels seem to have sorted themselves out, which is helping!!
I'm so glad I only work part-time as I've been having a lie down in the afternoons for about an hour, which helps.
Still having evil mood swings and made myself laugh ranting at the radio yesterday!!! I was in the car at the time, people must've thought i'd gone a bit mental :lol:

Thank god it's the weekend! I'm going to try and spend the majority of it in bed!!! :sleep:

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