Megan Grace - elective section


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2007
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After 5 weeks I’ve finally found time to write my birth story, here goes….

I had opted for an elective section due to a number of factors, failure to dilate further than 1cm in my last labour (after 5 VERY long days), a previous section, SPD – although mild and high blood pressure, a mix of all these and my consultant and myself decided a section was best as it was more than likely due to any of the above things I could end up with another emergency section which I wanted to avoid at all costs.

I was booked in originally for the 29th July but due to my blood pressure rocketing to 180/120 a good few times and being in and out of hospital constantly the section was brought forward to the 22nd, with me being a little over 38 weeks.

I arrived at hospital at 8am on the 22nd, all ready to go. Was given a bed and met the anaesthetist (very good looking) :rotfl: and had a yap with the surgeon, there were 2 elective sections being done that day, myself and a lady Claire. Myself, hubby and the other woman and her hubby were all in the same ward, we had a very relaxed time reading papers, having a laugh. I found it so surreal that I was doing this and would have a baby in a matter of hours?!?
It was a beautiful day, the best Aberdeen had the whole of July!! Typical I was in hospital…. I had to fast from midnight so on this beautiful day, in hospital I wasn’t even allowed an ice cube! Needless to say the other woman was picked for her section first, all I had to do was hope there were no emergencies after her. You bet it…. Emergency after emergency!!!
At 2.50pm I went and begged for an ice cube, the SHO phoned labour ward and I was told I would get a bag of fluid pumped through me quickly, I think they realised how thirsty I was, which 38 weeks pregnant, in hospital when its 28 degrees outside – was quite a bit. Anyway, this didn’t happen, at 3.02 I was told I could go to theatre, yippeeee!!
Got there, very strange feeling walking to theatre, met the anaesthetist, a different one from morning time as he’d gone off shift! She had green hair and proceeded to tell me it was her second day!!! Ahhhhh.
Even if she hadn’t told me it was her second day I would have guessed as it took her nearly 45 mins to get the spinal in, she kept hitting nerves – ouch, my back was black and blue after!!! Guess what she gave me as a treat for being so patient – an ice cube!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: So there I am lying on an operating table, sucking on and ice cube on a stick and the next thing I know my little princess was being dangled over the screen!!!
I got a shock she was so tiny, just 6lbs 8oz with lots of black hair. Needless to say I burst into tears. Megan Grace is her name and she suits it perfectly.
Recovery section wise has been ok, recently had to get stitches cut out as some didn’t dissolve properly and my body was treating them as a foreign object so I had some weeping/gunk from my scar, its still not 100% but I’m not in any pain at all, just keeping it clean, dry and dressed. I felt my pain was unbelievably less than after having an emergency section.
Megan’s birth was a million miles away from my son’s and I’m so glad I opted for a section as opposed to possibly needing an emergency again.

Here are a few pictures of my pride and joy :D

In hospital ... age045.jpg

With her proud big brother ... age079.jpg

In a pretty dress ... age112.jpg
Aww, what a gorgeous little girly, with a gorgeous name!
Awwwww Ang... she is gorgeous (must take after her Mummy, eh :wink: )

I love that pic of Megan and Reece together! :)
:cheer: Congratulations! x

She's lovely- and I adore the name Megan! :D
Congratulations! What a gorgeous little family you have!

Sarah x
Aww congrats what a beautiful family you have :cheer:
Congratulations, what beautiful children you have

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