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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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as above...me and lucybee forund out yesterday that medised has now been banned for under 2's...

i spoke to our boots pharmacists and he said in 10 years 5 children (mostly under 2) have died from overdoses on medised and other similar that have been banned last week.

he siad the medised has only been banned because some parents were giving the high end of the doseage for a 1yr old (10ml) and this was being to the max like 4 X daily .

common sense has always told me that if it can take 4 hours for a drug to get thru an adults system then its obviously gna take longer to get thru a babies system, only some parents were pumping thier child full of medised every 4 hours at max dose, and unfortunatley this resulted in fatal overdoses in 5 young children :cry:

he said thier is NOTHING wrong with gicin medised, only as long as its only the odd dose , like at night if they have a bad cold..and to give the LOWEST doseage (1yr+ it says 5-10ml 4 X daily ) only ever give 5ml

or better still if u feel unsure dont use it....stick to calpol and nurofen but he said even with these always allow 5-6 hours between doses , even tho it says 4.
i didnt know that about the medised and i work in a pharmacy! as far as i know we never got anything through about the medised.... :shock:
I know for a fact i will be raising that this afternoon cos the amount of people that come in for it is shocking really.
i personally neevr recommend it to cusomers anyway, i always just say calpol and nurofen (or our own brand lol), id hate to think that i was giving my child a sedative tbh. but i understand in some situations it could be best for the child, espec if they are really ill and just need to sleep but even then that scares me :(
I bought Calpol Night (same thing) last week for Mhairi, as she was having a terrible time with teething pain and hadn't slept for 48 hours.

I, like Midna, didn't like the way it KO'd her. I spent the whole night watching her breathing monitor and checking her constantly.

I told the pharmacist that she was only 6 months old and it was HER that recommended it!

I ain't using it again, it's scary stuff!

the sedation isn't supposed to be part of the reason to use these meds.... a sedative effect is a side effect or adverse reaction to the medication... and personally, I wouldn't use a med that is suppose to take pain away, yet makes me drowsy, so I wouldn't give it to my child.

Calpol is fine IMO and other stronger drugs shouldn't be used unless a doctor has specifically prescribed it. Even then I would be loathed to give it.
I have only given Evie medcine once on the advice of my doc after her 8 week jabs. It was just 2.5ml of paracetamol suspension that the doc gave me but she slept for ages after it and I didn't like it.

Shes got her 12 week jabs next week and I won't be giving it her again unless she develops a temp and needs it.
My OH brought some in boots on Sunday :think:
I gave Dan some last night as he is teething really badly at the moment. I only ever give the lowest dose, no matter what medicine it is.
Does anyone know if they are they going to make this public knowledge?
Pilkers, she may have slept for a long time becasue of the jab not the paracetamol suspension. Sleeping can be a side effect of the jabs, they can knock them out.

Just don't want you to completely rule out calpol, becasue if your LO is really in pain then she might need it.

Oh yeah medised is on this list but doesn't say it's banned, just that you will have to speak to pharamasist (sp?) first so they can advise you on correct dosage

That's really helpful Krystal, thank you.
Tom has a stinking cold at the moment and so I wanted to give him some Medised last night to help him breathe but my pharmacist wouldn't sell it to me as he was under 2!
Now I guess I can go back and tell her that she's allowed to sell it to me as long as she goes through doseage.
Medised is always a hot potato (!). I think if you use it infrequently and sensibly it can be helpful. Certainly helps Tom's nose at night if he's very poorly. x
Lucybee-Willow has had a horrible cold this past week, she could hardly breathe, but I was recommended Olbas oil, which is fantastic, and while I was buying that I bought some Snufflebabe which is like Vicks Vapour rub for babies- they are really really good!
Zebra...did you drop olbas oil on to her clothes? How did you do it? xx
You are meant to put some on a hanky and put it nearby.but i dropped a little on her mattress and blankets..
Very interesting thread and thanks for posting it. Jenna has had a bad headcold the past few days - really snuffly, runny nose, etc and struggling to feed & sleep. I have given her medised with her 7pm feed the past 3 nights which has helped her breathing & sleeping. We also have calcold in the house which is another on the above list :?

So, what is the best thing to give them if they are very snuffly with colds? I have a plug-in calpol thing which is supposed to help breathing, but what do I do if that's not enough??
I have never used it, i have seen it but i didnt fancy knocking my baby out! me and my mate know this lass and she knocks all he kids out with it everynight....stupid cow she even brags about it!
Hannah has had it quite a few times and i have never found it has made her in the least but drousy
Ive never used any of that stuff for colds - just karvol drops and nasosal.
I used Medised last week as Isaac's had terrible cold, it didn't knock him out, frankly I don't think it did anything for him, he's so hard :lol: I would have never even thought about giving him it before 6months old though, and even then I only used Calpol/Nurofen.

I've nothing against any medicine, used correctly they are to aid sick children, its bad parental dosage, and just bad parenting that makes these things dangerous :roll: Making them prescription only would certainly help as talking to a GP first may result in it not even been prescribed, but for the sensible parent its a bit Nanny'ish :roll:

Olbas oil is great for stuffy noses, I find putting Isaac's head on a pillow works wonders too, as well as putting him on his side instead of his back, stops him getting all choked up on phlegm and stuff.

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