Chesty cough

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Naom1 had her first antibiotic this week for a chesty cough. She's nearly finished the course and I have two questions. I'll ask the pharmacist tomorrow but I wondered...

a) the bottle says "2.5 ml three times a day for seven days" but when I was a child Mom always made sure we finished a bottle if we were given one by the doc. So is it - stop the dose when she's due to stop it - ie tomorrow lunchtime - or finish the bottle?

b) She's still got a fairly bad cough. It's bad enough to keep her awake. I tried to get her cough syrup that she could take with the amoxil but the pharmacist wouldn't give me any. About the only one, Pulmoclase, she said couldn't be given except in tiny doses of about 1 ml per 4 hours! Everything else was not recommended for under 2 years. She then offered me glycerine honey and lemon, despite the fact that eveyone knows you're not supposed to give honey to babies. And then she said, "i can't really help you - and if you're worried about the honey don't give it to her!"

Any ideas girls? I really don't like that cough. Another antibiotic?

i think when they say finish a course of antibiotics then it usually applies to pills - so they will only give you the right amount of pills you need. but with a bottle they cant really apen it and pour some away so they just tell you howlong you take it for. (sorry i dont know if that makes any sense - it does in my head!)

i'd stop when they say to and is the cough is still bad then go back to docs. it could be that that particular antibiotic didnt work or the course needs to be longer.

hope she gets better soon.


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