measuring too big


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2007
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i went to see the midwife yesterday and im measuring two to three weeks bigger than my dates. my dates are exactly right... has anyone else had this???

she did say LO heartbeat was the happiest shes heard in a while and very active. and said we just need to keep an eye on her size. x
I am several weeks behind you so can not speak from experience. but from what i have read i believe that from 20 weeks the growth of the baby is less structured as in the earlier weeks.

Maybe others further along will be able to help more.

At least she is happy in there :hug:
My baby is on the bigger end of the scale for his size, from what they say.

If your LO is as big as they say, they should be scanning you on a 3 weekly - monthly basis to make sure. Make sure your midwife/doctor keep a good eye on bubs xx
Mine is on the bigger end of the scale, and I was told it might even out a bit depending on when it decides to have it's growth spurt. It went back down to the middle line on the chart, but then it also went back up so it's still measuring big. I have heard people on here say before that it depends on it's timing of growth spurts, and you never know it may even out. There's a chance if it continues to be measuring big that they may check you for pregnancy diabetes (unless you already know you are diabetic anyway) as this can increase the size of babies.
hi hun dont worry. the method they use to measure is well known for being unreliable as the size of your uterus can depend on babys position as well as size. at 28 weeks i was measuring 3 weeks bigger. at my 31 week appointment i was exactly right and mw sed she cud just have had her legs stretched out at 28 weeks whereas now she ahs then under my ribs (lovely!!!) hth

Taller women or bigger women are prone to have bigger babies( apparently), also, take into account that doctors can not pin point the exact date/weight etc on your first pregnancy.

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