Measuring Big already?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Had the midwife today and hurrah, i saw a different one. This one was nice and made me feel alot better.

She sorted my MAT B1 and gave me the thingy for free prescriptions and has prescribed me iron and gaviscon! Cool!

She measured bump thopugh and said it should be a centimeter per week roughly. I was 25cm so she was happy and said i had a big bump.

But now DP's family are convinced i'm having a whopper!

As my sis in law had max two weeks ago and he was bron by c section and was 11lb 1oz.

She said she measured big the whole way through.

Am i having a monster sized baby???


They do say if you measure big you are more then likely having a bigger beby. My friend just had her girl after measuring big and she was 9 pounds 12 ounces . With Kiara I measured normal and she was 9 pounds 6 ounces and this baby is measuring bigger , so im hoping i dont have another big baby.
They told me because Kiara was born big they would watch the new babies weight closer.
Could you maybe suggest the same thing ?

someone said they don't measuer where they live anymore as its too inaccurate...There is a woman at aquanatal who is huge but her baby from scan is normal size...

don't really know anything concrete but wouldn't worry too much
i measured big from being 16 weeks and ended up being 10 to 12 weeks ahead and hannah was 10lb 4oz born at 35+6
You could also be carrying a rather large amount of amniotic fluid and go on to have a smaller baby. It was the case with my Mum and my midwife seems to think I'm following suit :cheer:
I am being very thick but I'd never heard of this before until my sis-in-law said she was measured last week, dont think they do it where I live, but How do they measure your bump? :think: :doh:
they measure from the pubic bone to the top of your bump hun
i was the same as you at your stage i measured 25cm at nearly 24 weeks. the midwife said babies usually have a growth spurt around that stage so it was normal to measure larger. Since then ive never measured larger than my weeks, always spot on for how far on i was. :D
How does it work if you're a larger lady though, because I don't feel like I've got any kind of baby bump yet, just my original belly :oops: I have a midwife appointment on the 28th, but she's never measured my "bump" :think:

I just wondered as my sis in law's baby was massive. Wondering if it's genetic :shock:

I will make sure if i measure big all the way i let them know, just incase!

I have a scan at 34 weeks anyway so i'm sure if baby is big they will notice.

Cheers ladies

I was told the day before I gave birth (11 days early) that I would go full term and that the baby was a 'touch on the large side, but nothing to worry about'. :shock:

My daughter was born 24 hours later, weighing just 5lb 10oz and there wasn't that much fluid around her, so god knows why they told me that!

Meezie doctors dont know what they are talking about do they
They told me Kiara will be 7 pounds and she was 9 pounds 6 ounces :roll:
I wa told all the way through the last 6 weeks with my son that I was having a "big baby". During the last week I was examined by an old midwife and she said "no, not a big baby, a small baby with a lot of water"... and she was exactly right. He was 5lbs 2oz!


I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead at the mo which m/w said is normal and m/w said baby feels average.

Don't worry,it's just how your body grows and adapts :hug:
I measured big for dates all the way through with dd, by about 2-3cm. But she was born at 41 weeks and weighed 6lb15oz, so not big at all.

Ds1 was the same, and was born at 40+2, weighing 8lb4oz.

Ds2 measured correct all the way through, and was born at 39+4, weighing 8lb13.5oz!!

So, the measurements really don't show anything. Don't know why they do it really.


Heather x
i was told with my first that she was going to be big as i was measuring 3 weeks bigger than what i was and she only weighed 7lb 5oz.
im measuring bigger this time too and they said this one will probley be quite big, but i dont think he will.

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