Measles **update**


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Well we waited an hour in the docs as they were running late....

To be told the doc didnt know what it was :evil: I asked if it was measles and he said he didnt think so but could be wrong and he can see why I think its measles as it looks like it but he didnt think James was ill enough to have it. If only Id taken him in over the weekend. He was real bad then. I hope it is something else but it would be nice to know instead of gtting some random dont know from the doc! Grr

Bloody hell, I think Jamesy has measles.

He has been poorly for about 4days now. It started like a cold and then he had a temp and was really sick and has bad poohs. The family all kept saying oh its his teeth and I thought he may have a cold and he had some cheese the other day and as he is lactose intollerant I thought it might be that that had upset him. Well, today woke up and he is smothered in a rash. All up his neck, behind his ears and all over his tummy and back. We have an appointment with docs in an hour. I wish Id taken him sooner now but then again without the rash they'd have probably said its a viral thing like usual :roll: I hope it isnt measles. I havent had them either and kis him a million times a day!
oh hun Thomas got measles a couple months ago, is the rash under the skin? so not raised as thats what measles is like.
how long has he had the rash as after about 5 days Thomas' got white and purple spots on his and they started grouping together.

Good news though Thomas got over his very quickly and it never really bothered him hope James is the same for you
hey hun

God yeah I remember Thomas having it now!! The rash is flat and blotchy, not raised like spots or anything? Its not on his legs yet. Glad Thomas got over it quickly, I hope James does too if it is that xxx
P.s he got the rash this morning, it wasnt there last night. He started being ill on Thursday too so that 5days
aww yer it does sound like it then :hug:
just watch his bum as it was terrible on Thomas' really sore looking gave him nappy rash at the same time poor sod
thanks hun :hug: Yep, hes got nappy rash too :( poor little man! xx
Tillytots said:
Well we waited an hour in the docs as they were running late....

To be told the doc didnt know what it was :evil: I asked if it was measles and he said he didnt think so but could be wrong and he can see why I think its measles as it looks like it but he didnt think James was ill enough to have it. If only Id taken him in over the weekend. He was real bad then. I hope it is something else but it would be nice to know instead of gtting some random dont know from the doc! Grr

Bloody hell, I think Jamesy has measles.

He has been poorly for about 4days now. It started like a cold and then he had a temp and was really sick and has bad poohs. The family all kept saying oh its his teeth and I thought he may have a cold and he had some cheese the other day and as he is lactose intollerant I thought it might be that that had upset him. Well, today woke up and he is smothered in a rash. All up his neck, behind his ears and all over his tummy and back. We have an appointment with docs in an hour. I wish Id taken him sooner now but then again without the rash they'd have probably said its a viral thing like usual :roll: I hope it isnt measles. I havent had them either and kis him a million times a day!

I've literally just posted about Isaac having his MMR then I saw this! We have a measles outbreak round here at the moment, hence Isaac having the MMR.

I hope your little man is ok and gets well soon :hug:

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