Meal disaster


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi ladies,
Can you believe this :shock:
It is my mum's 60th today so we all went out for a meal (my mum and dad, sister and her family and me and my family). I am 5 weeks pregnant and the last time I was pregnant I has a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks so we have decided not to tell anyone yet ( not even our children), my mum went mad the last time I was pregnant because she thinks 2 children is enough etc :roll:
I had my vitamins in my bag (picture of a pregnant woman on the front) so I could sneak them with my meal (they are to be taken with food).
I did not realise my daughter was looking through my bag under the table when all of a sudden she jumped up with the vitamins in her hand and shouting 'ARE YOU PREGNANT?' :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
I panicked and said that they was not mine :fib: because my mum glared at me and it was not the time or place!
I ended up ordering and eating a large chocolate brownie although I have cut out chocolate (to reduce the risk of miscarriage)
So now I am in a panic over what my daughter said and the fact I ate a big chunk of chocolate brownie!!!!!!
I am dreading seeing my mum on Tiesday because I know she will say something.............:oooo:
Hey hun I'm positive the chocolate brownie won't have an effect on junior, but my grandma is the same as your mom, I haven't told her I'm expecting my 4th. What is it with these overbearing relations who want to run our life????? I'm at a point now where I'm getting g a bit passed off, and I have a feeling when I do come clean its gonna end in one almighty row, because I'm sick to death of being told off like a kid.I think you are going to have to tell her when u next see her or she's going to accuse you of lying as well. It doesn't matter how long you put it off I guess the reaction will alwAys be the same, as for me i was going to tell my gran last Tuesday but my auntie died so just waiting to get funeral out of the way and then I'll put my armour on ;-) good luck hun xxx
I think you need to make it clear to your mother that this is your life and you will do with it what you like. Tell her that you understand her concern as being a mother yourself, you know that it's impossible not to worry about your children. Say that you're in control and you're very happy to be having another baby and it makes you sad that you don't have her support or blessing.
That way you sound assertive yet understanding.
I think you should try your best not to get too stressed over this. We all know how bad stress can be for a pregnant lady.
If you can't get your mum on side now, as soon as she sees your new little bundle of joy, she'll be powerless to resist!
Good luck x
Oh don't worry about the brownie!!!! Enjoy it :)
And maybe it's best just to be honest with your mum. It's your life. And explain its early days and you don't need any agro about it...and that's all that's said on the matter untill a later

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