may interest anyone who suffers from Eczema


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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a while back my H.V said Theo has Eczema on his chest. (My OH family all suffer from it) and my sister has really bad siriousis.#
someone recomended me : The Body Shop - Hemp body Butter. i only used it on Theo for a few days and it cleared up compleatly. i told my sister and she got some and used it, and since she has ben her siriousis has been clearing up (its really bad).
it seems to have worked miricles. it is meant for exreamly dry skin. now i just it on theo when he has sky skin after his baths sometimes.

anyhoo, just thought id recomend x x x
(its a little expensive, but it does go a long way, and i used to miz it with aquious cream... just so it went a little further)
my son has this... badly on his face but hes only 5 week old is there anything i can use on his face
I might have to give that a go for Logan, he has really bad Eczema on his tummy atm and even steriod cream won't shift it
thanks for that - LO has the worst dry skin which I think is excema. It's all down her arm's. leg's and tummy :( we've tried loads of different stuff on it but nothing works - I was going to take her to the docs tommorrow to see if he can suggest something but I might give this a try as I'd rather use something natural than the steroid creams.
muppetmummy said:
I might have to give that a go for Logan, he has really bad Eczema on his tummy atm and even steriod cream won't shift it

dito :(
I'v got really bad eczema & psoriasis, steroid creams dont work very well for me either. Will give this a try!
Ooooh my hubby has really nasty dermatitis so might give it a try for him! Thanks!
caz2008 said:
my son has this... badly on his face but hes only 5 week old is there anything i can use on his face

I use Aveeno Cream which was prescribed by the Dr for Maia's face its a natural product made from wheat (I think, not 100% though without looking at the tube which is in Maia's room but she's asleep), it cleared her's up in a couple of days.

Forgot to add its made by Johnson & Johnson
Thanks for that! OH blatently has dermatitus on his hands, has had for years but won't go to the doctors even though his hands are cracked and bleeding :roll: I have the hemp face cream so we will give that a go :D

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