Maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
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Just thinking about the not too distant future. When are you planning on starting your maternity leave? This is my first baby so not sure how I'm going to be feeling come the end. I have got 3 weeks holiday that I can take prior to my maternity leave starting. Thanks for your help xx
It depends on ur job and how u feel
In yourself.
I worked up until 36weeks but with my youngest I started at 30 weeks cos I was so tired xx
I started at 33 1/2 weeks and I think it was just about right for me as I was getting very tired at work!! But it depends on the individual and what your job entails.
I've arranged for mine to start quite early. I will be 31 weeks when mine begins. I originally chose to start it at 35 weeks, but changed it due to moving house.

I remember reading something on here a while back that someone wrote, it said that if it's your first baby, take your ML as early as you possibly can, because you have longer to enjoy those precious weeks getting prepared and having quality time with OH etc, which makes sense I suppose :)
i work for my mum in a bridal (wedding) shop. so aslong as i can b4 i cant lift the dresses or cant get back up from pinning someone hem i think. baby is due 23rd may. so im thinking end of april.
i plan to do the odd day here and there anyway, cause i do the books and i run our ebay shop and facebook and website. sooooo mum really needs me.
i worked in a very well known shop and stopped working at 35 weeks. by this point i was dying as had to be on my feet for managers allowed me to sit behind a till towards the end. i got very bored very quickly at home so 4 weeks was a perfect amount of time to just chillax and get the house ready adn spend enough time with oh.....for me it was perfect......with the job im in atm (i sit adown 99% of the time) i could probbaly go as close to due date (not that im pregnant) as possible in theory providing next pregnancy was as smooth as last one...........its entirely your choice to be honest.....i enjoyed knowing i had a longer time off after baby was here to prolong going back to work but that was my choice..... xx

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