maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I know that its quite early to be thinking about it but i was wondering when you are planning to start your maternity leave? I was thinking that i could use a couple of weeks annual leave at the start to extend my leave a bit. This is my first baby so i don't know at what stage i'll find work too difficult or if it will be driving to work that will be difficult towards the end. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
I am stopping 4 weeks before my due date, two weeks annual leave and then into maternity leave. I can't wait!!
i am going at 34 weeks, one week annual leave then mat leave officially starts at 35 weeks
i have pelvic problems and am finding its getting worse so dont think i will want to work any longer than 34 weeks
if i was having a lovely pregnancy might have gone at 36 weeks
I had originally planned to leave at 36 weeks but as ive now been told I have this SPD (pelvis problem) and advised to leave at 32 weeks, ive decided Im going to go at 34 weeks.

Ok, thank you. I want to have as much time off afterwards as possible (hopefully 6 months in total) so want to work as long as possible. Maybe i could stop at 36 weeks, including a couple of weeks annual leave. I can't wait for all those lazy days lying on the beach all summer :lol: (ha ha maybe not!)
I'm going at prob 2/3 weeks before im due, then having whole of the summer off, and start again in sept. i work from home so wont need the whole of mat leave, but i want to give myself a good few months to get into a routine etc. and i want a few weeks beforehand to get stuff ready and just relax!
I am leaving mid-January just before i reach 31 weeks i work in a very phsyical job and already getting to the point of feeling very tried and useless even thro my workload is getting less and less, however i plan on taking a year off which i put in my letter to my boss as thats what your entitled to now isnt it? (However dont get paid for the last 6 months???-its all confussing me :lol: ) But yes i have less than a month to go then on ML!
Im going at 34 weeks, think that gives me plenty of time to get sorted. I only work part time anyway! Cant wait for Mat leave though and not having to work for 9 months...aaaaahhh :lol:
My official date for my maternity leave to start is the 1st of Feb, but i have got 4 weeks of holidays to take too, so my last day of work is the 31st December!! :cheer: I will only be 25 weeks but i am not going back to work afterwards so didnt feel the need to work on as late as possible.

First time around with my ds i worked up until the 19th of December and was signed off by the doctor with really bad swelling to the ankles. My ds was born on the 2nd Jan.
I'm due on the 9th of April but i'm going to have to take leave in February due to my work being too dangerous to my unborn baby (lambing time).
I was originally planning on finishing when i was 36weeks gone but i can't risk it.
im starting mine 4 weeks before my DD and taking the option to get paid my hols at the end of the year. I get 25 days so that plus bank hols for the year is 33 days! Woo hoo, will help towards costs of things, great stuff. Hope to take the full year off as well.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm want as much time off afterwards but also would like time beforehand to make sure everything is ready.

Glad I've got a while before I need to make my final decision.
Im finishing next friday at 33 weeks. Taking a weeks annual leave and then maternity leave starts properly at 34 weeks. I was going to work till 36 weeks but suffering really badly with my back and im so tired so leaving a bit earlier

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