Maternity Leave, things to do??


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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I am now on maternity leave and baby isn't due until 12th April. I need ideas of some productive things to do ha getting bored already :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i washed all of harry's clothes, sorted his nursery out, read alot, do some knitting, watch movies, bake, and spend time with my family and friends,

the more you can get out of the house while you can the better because the last few weeks are getting difficult to walk for any respectable length of time.
I'm in the process of, washing babies clothes, packing hospital bag, shopping for last minute bits, catching up with friends and nesting of course :) can be a little boring at times though!
Washing babies clothes is one I can do, nursery is all ready clothes hung in age order ha
Suppose I can do some baking, only thing is that my OH doesn't really eat cakes or anything like that and I am still finishing off a cake myself which work bought me also horrified by the cellulite which covers all my thighs ha
I suppose movies can be a good one too.
How long have you been on maternity leave? xx
Andrea I'm on my first day of mat leave today and was thinking exactly the same thing!! I was totally shattered yesterday so had a nice lay in this morning and think I'm going to make a start on hospital bag today.

Shame we don't all live near each other we could all be ladies that lunch!!

Just spotted as well you are 37 weeks today congratulations! Countdown is on :) xx
You can come and help me if you like :D. Today I have to clear out the wardrobe which is in the lounge into the new cupboards in the bedroom so that the new sofa bed can go in the lounge and the wardrobe can go down the dump. Then I have to sort through the chest of drawers and put all that in the new cupboards so that can go down the dump whilst the moses basket is brought over and I can get Albert's clothes into his cupboards.........gasp. Then tonight daddy can hopefully start filling in the holes and stuff in the walls in the bedroom so that he can start decorating tomorrow night.

Then there's dinner to make, the lounge to clean and washing to put on. When can you be here by? :D xxxxxxxxxx
Wash car ready for due date...inside and out? Pack bag? Clean house top to bottom. Meet with friends. Snceive been on maternity leave I've had about 1 day doing nothing mainly because I moved and my sister has kept me busy!
Hey Jem, Hows things? Yea it is a shame we aren't all closer together! One thing which is a bit uncertain is the fact we bought a house last week and it may go through within the next 6 weeks so may be in labour and moving at the same time ! Going to take the dog for a walk as its nice and sunny, do some fake tan make myself feel better. I am booked in to get hair done but it isn't for 2 weeks so going to try and bring that forward. OH has the car too and due to us moving to a more expensive house trying to save the pennies.
I could start cleaning house top to bottom xx
I'm planning on sleeping LOTS for the first week! Then i want to deep clean the house, get the nursery ready and wash all of baby's clothes.

Also got a freelancing job working from home so i'll try and make the most of that before baby arrives too. 2 weeks left for me now, counting the days!

P.s. i like the idea of ladies that lunch, shame we don't all live closer xxx
one word, but warning it is the most addictive thing in the WHOLE WORLD

PINTEREST - you can search by topic- home decor, crafting, food and drink etc and make mood boards- each photo takes you to the link of how to make said recipe or do said project..... it will seriously fill up your time!

alternatively start a blog?
Stock your freezer so you don't have to cook when you come home from hospital?! Xxx
I start maternity on Friday - I will be mainly cleaning the house and packing as we are moving at the end of the month, then once in the new house, unpacking and getting everything ready for the baby. I might even pack my hospital bag and visit some friends and do some more baby bits shopping!
There are some great ideas here - I'm jealous I don't start mat leave for another fortnight!!! Knowing my bloody luck I'll finish on the Friday at 37 weeks and bubs will arrive on the Sat!!

I am going to do some sewing as I love it and never get the chance to do it at the weekend. Been trying to make a door hanging thing to keep my nappies and changing stuff in but it's going VERY slowly!!! Also going to bake for my lovely husband as he is always asking for a cake and I never have time! Lunching sounds like an excellent idea as well. And this week we subscribed to Love film instants so I will have a look on there as well.

The only thing that doesn't appeal is cleaning the house - I'll know I'm well and truly ready to have this baby when I start 'nesting'!!!
I never did the nesting bit - kept thinking the urge would come, but it didnt. Georgia arrived a week early instead. xxx
I'm on mat leave now and due on the 13th April ..

so far I've washed all babies clothes, blankets etc.. cleaned, packed hospital bag and now OH is re-decorating front room and laying down wooden flooring before baby comes... Not sure what I'll be doing after that, probs just more cleaning haha...x
That will be my plan - im finishing 31st March and gonna wash babys clothes, clen house from top to bottom, and chill out lol xx
Tbh I would spend the time making up dinners you can freeze so you have a load of healthy food ready when you want it as cooking doesn't really feature with a newborn!! I had about 3 wks of food plus freezer food (wedges, breaded chicken,etc) I would have about a months supply of easy food to take the strain off of you and oh.
I am planning on, doing some shopping for easy food, making sure everything is ready for babe and getting any last minute bits (more shopping yay), sorting out our camping stuff as we are camping just after baby gets here :), catching up with friends who I haven;t spoken to in ages as I don;t get a social life working full time and looking after nepoo.

and just chilling out I think :)

That's the plan but you know what they say all good plans..........

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