Maternity Leave - Leave Early or Wait til last minute


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Just wondering what you girls all think, after a discussion in Tri 2 forums. I'm debating whether or not to leave as early as I can on maternity leave which would mean leaving early July or waiting til the last fews weeks before my due date around mid September :oooo:

My situation is other half has a new job which in 6 months time, will be looking at an extra 3x what I earn now (on top of his wage at present), so if I wanted there is no need to go back to my job unless I really wanted to. Currently I'm thinking I don't because I'm on restricted duties and stuck behind at desk, my brain melting on a daily basis and bored out of my mind.
I've been in my current job 11 years and in all that time I've had no more than 5 days off at any one time. when I do take off time, I always seem to be running around after family and friends and never seem to have time for myself. I one of these people that gets walked over, left, right and centre and I just put up with it and put others first. Now I'm thinking, this is a massive change to my life and I deserve some sort of break before my life changes forever so an extra couple of months before baby arrives doesn't seem to be too selfish, does it?
We also have a 5 month old springer spaniel puppy, who to be honest, is starting to act up because I'm so tired after working 8-10 hour days that I feel like i'm neglecting her training because I'm so exhausted. I feel spending the extra time off will be great for her as she's so active and hyper she definitely needs some quality time spent on training her just right before baby comes along.

As you can see, I'm all for goign early but part of me is saying that people will look at me like i'm a lazy hack for doing so. What do you all think and how early/late are you planning to take your leave?
I've always thought I'd work til the day i'm due to drop as i've always been a workaholic but now it's here, i'm not so sure anymore!!

Is your oh's pay rise set in stone? Can you rely on it definetly coming through and you not having to go back to work?

If yes, then Id go a bit earlier hun and have a rest before baby comes :)

but if not, and you may 'need' to return to work then Id be tempeted to leave it a bit later so that you get as much time off with baby as possible
I'd say go as early as you feel like hun. I unfortunately lost my job when I was around 24weeks -due to there not being enough work etc (I was a temp in an office providing temping work lol) At first I was really worried, having less money and more time on my hands (I was still finishing a beauty course so that took up my time) but in away I've been really lucky I've had time to relax and have some "me" time. And once bubbas here there won't be so much time for that! Also I was suffering from depression for awhile and it just gave me the chance to stop and think about things. Your lucky that your husband is starting a new job so I say why not go for it? Have some time to yourself and don't listen to what other people say- usually jelousy! Do whats best for you and put your feet up! x
OH's pay rise is definite. So I feel secure enough about that.
I too, have suffered from bouts of depression, quite badly at times and to be honest, I've just started coming out of it since I found out I was pregnant but sometimes feel myself slipping back. Work played a big part of it just before christmas and I definitely feel getting away from this place the sooner the better would be better for me. I'm worrying already that I'll start stressing again, and end up back to how I was just a few months ago and I know it isn't healthy for baby if I end up bad again.

Gonna speak to OH tonight, see how he feels about it. I'm sure he'll be supportive whatever I decide! xxx
I think you should go early hun
You have no reason to leave it to the last minute (other than potential boredom....but im sure you will find a way to entertain yourself even if its lots of sleep lol)

If you are secure enough to not worry about going back to work then theres no reason not to go early in my opinion
I think for your cirumstances, you should leave early - ish - as you have the luxery to be able to afford to.
My last day at work is tomorrow, and I have been struggling the last 2 weeks or so, so 34 weeks would be a good time, if I could have afforded it. I have always been a workaholic, but me working this late has been purely financial.
I know by this time next week I will be bored as hell though!
Go early! You really sound like you want to and need the 'you' time plus you can afford it. I left early with my daughter, mainly because my job was stressful and I felt I needed the time to prepare myself. It was great, so glad I did, it was nice to have time to focus on the baby and get to know other mums to be locally. Def don't worry what other people think, some people get jealous that you are in a good position to do this, you can always pick up your career again later when you want to go back.
i wanted to leave at the last possible moment to spend more time with my new son, but ive realized that i just cnt do it, im stuggling as im tired and have another child to look after, so i brought it forward by three weeks and now im leaving at 32 weeks

so im my eyes you go by how you feel if you feel like you can work up untill 34-35 weeks+ then go for it lol!!
I'm working right up until almost 38 weeks but that's only due to financial reasons and wanting as much time as possible with bambino. If I could have, I would have stopped earlier so I say do it!!!

I'm working right up until almost 38 weeks but that's only due to financial reasons and wanting as much time as possible with bambino. If I could have, I would have stopped earlier so I say do it!!!


God I cannot even imagine working up to 38 weeks! I am 37 weeks now and I am so utterly exhausted (from pretty much doing nothing!) and can barely walk!! xx
Hello hun, I'm going early from work- I go on maternity on 13th june (I'm due 17th July) but taking my annual leave so I leave 18th may! But I have to go back to work but will do in that november x
what can I say... wow :)

if you can afford the time off, go for it! Enjoy yourself - these might be the last months when you belong to yourself, when your own wishes are your first priority. I'm just trying to say that when the little one arrives it's probably gonna be all about him/her, not about you.

who cares what other people say! Honestly, they are just jealous!

and if you need an excuse, remember that what's best for you is best for the baby. Sitting in dusty office and being bored does not sound like the most healthy way of spending your time. If you take a few months off, you can get plenty of sleep, plenty of fresh air, some mild exercise (walks with the dog), you might have more time to cook healthy food and do yoga classes or whatever :) As long as you are sure you won't be bored out of your mind at home (some people just can't do it. Are you likely to have this problem?)

and the last thing. My mother in law told me this: the first pregnancy is an amazing experience and will never happen again. You want to try and enjoy and remember every minute of it.

anyway, I'm sure you got my point of view :)

I'm very glad for you, you must be so happy :) xxx
Thank you all for your comments and thoughts. I sat and talked with the other half last night briefly about it and he said he'll support me whatever my decision.

We talked about the pro's and con's of each and in the end he decided that leaving early was probably the best choice after what i've been through the last fews years and agreed that some me time wouldn't be me being selfish it at all. I work in a very dangerous environment and have been confined to desk duties which from being on my feet working with machinery, equipment and operators to the highlight of my week so far.... shreeding old meeting minutes from the 90's..... I'm going to go insane if I carry on this for another 6 months!!
I have my dating scan tomorrow. I'll see what EDD they give me, work out when I could potentially leave and decide with OH over the weekend. Work already know. Well my managers do, but I have to have a meeting with the HR department in a few weeks to make it all official so I'm sure I'll of made my mind up by then!

Thank you girls!! I really do feel much better about the situation and being a bit selfish for once in my life! xxx
I was going to leave on 30th June, I'm due 10th August, I'm using 5 weeks annual leave first but after Friday gone when I was so tired and hot and work's just annoying me, myself and my partner have decided I'll finish on 17th June so at 32 weeks. I thought as its my first pregnancy and I only seem to have time to enjoy it at weekends at the minute that I can enjoy a few weeks of getting ready for baby then a few weeks rest. Got to tell my boss tomorrow and I know she'll moan but happy mama means happy baby x x
It sounds like you can comfortably afford it so why not! No need to feel guilty or worry about what anyone else says or thinks, you're not asking for anything from anyone! It will just be pure jealousy! You well deserve a bit time to yourself before the baby comes if you've never been off in years - enjoy every minute of the countdown!

I'm working up until 38 weeks (with the lovely Bank Hols though my last day in work will be 37+1 though, woo hoo!) as I wanted to have as much time off afterwards as possible but as time ticks on I'm more and more longing for an earlier finish - I think you'll easily fit into pleasing yourself and enjoying naps and nesting etc.

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