maternity allowance question.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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basically, i sent my maternity allowance form away about 7 weeks ago. i didn't have some of my original payslips and was advised i could send in bank statements, which i did.

they got back to me 3 weeks later saying they couldn't accept the bank statements :wall: so they had sent a letter/form to my old employer last month, and they should have filled it in and sent them it back with proof of my earnings.

my old employer hasn't sent the form back, they had to send it to head office, i have now found out that head office have the letter, but won't deal with it just now because they have 'higher priorities' at the moment :(

i contacted the maternity allowance people advising them of this and they have told me they need it by the 22nd of this month otherwise it will be defaulted and i won't be given my maternity allowance.

i don't know what to do, i am sitting here in tears because we NEED this money and no one is willing to help me. my hands are tied :cry:
Oh Sara - Is there anyway your employer could print you duplicate payslips, rather than completing the form or would head office still need to do that for you?
Just a thought! Good Luck :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Talk to your work and explain that they will be losing you money if they don't sort it out for you. That's really unfair of them!

I really hope you can get it sorted hun! xxxxx
well after an afternoon of crying down the phone to anyone who would listen :oops: i eventually spoke to the head administrator of my old work :oops:

she was a complete bitch to start with and basically said she'd do it when she had time, in a few weeks at the most :wall:

this made me cry even more, so i was on the phone to oh, then my house phone rings and it's the administrator again, she said she'd get it filled out today and sent away tomorrow :oops: i think she must have felt really sorry for me :angel:

so hopefully the MA people will receive it on friday, i'll phone up and check. i don't know what made the woman change her mind, but i am sooo thankful she did, praying it all goes smoothly from now :pray:

thanks girls :hug:
What a f**kin' joke, you're entitled to that money. And you worked there, would you have got away with not doing any work as you had higher priorities?

I'm really glad you got it sorted or I would've boiled my blood for you!!
NickyB said:
What a f**kin' joke, you're entitled to that money. And you worked there, would you have got away with not doing any work as you had higher priorities?

I'm really glad you got it sorted or I would've boiled my blood for you!!

thanks so much nicky :hug: i swear i have never been so stressed in my life as i was during they phonecalls today :wall: i don't know what i'd have done if she didn't phone back :think:

just a wee update for anyone who read this..

i received my letter this morning, confirming that i'm getting maternity allowance and at the highest end of the scale :cheer: i'm so happy and relieved :dance: it starts on friday, and is being backdated to april, when i finished work :D

thanks for all your help girlies :hug:
Glad its worked out ok

I had problems with my work - they wouldn't send the right forms so that I could claim MA (I didn't get MP from them as I didn't qualify for it :( ) I was constantly emailing and calling to sort it out and it took over 2 months

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