

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I've got mastitis and it hurts :( They also think my lady bits are infected as the graze is still open, it whiffs a bit and it's not healing very well. DH has just gone to get my antibiotics and I've been instructed to have bed rest. I felt really bad this morning as I expressed some milk off to feed to Ella as my boobies felt too sore to even touch them, I felt so bad about giving her a bottle. In the end I only gave her half of what I'd expressed (she had 75ml) then breastfed her lying down which didn't hurt so bad.

Feeling rough, temp is 38.2 and I feel so clammy and hot. Bloody typical isn't it!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so rotten hun, its the last thing you need right now!!! I'm not feeling great as my boobs have been really sore, I can feed her most times but because she will quite happily suck for an hour each time my nipples feel like someone has gone at them with sandpaper. I have been naughty and given her formula instead as it still hurt to express. Am making sure she does still feed from me though so she can empty me. I have also been getting really uncomfortable down there, thought it might be getting better but it hurts to sit down. Why do we have to put up with all this, wasn't the birth enough of a test? Can't wait till I feel human again.

Anyhow I hope you get better soon, and that the antibiotics kick in soon. I have been told that witch hazel can be good for sore bits, put on a cotton pad. I haven't tested it yet but will be willing to try anything x
Hi Rosieroo... and Beanie, too.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I know mastitis is soooooo sore - nevermind sore nipples and other bits!!!
When I got sore nipples before, I used the Avent Nipple Shiels (silicone nipple protectors). It reallly does work. Also use Lansinoh Nipple Ointment (Get from Boots). Brilliant stuff for repairing sore nipples. With regards to mastitis, best is hot bath and massage with olive oil from red patch towards nipple. Hot cloth on it helps loads.
My bits down below has been a bit slow in recovering. Only have a few stitches, but it's continueing to bleed quite heavily. Have been taking Arnica which has helped quite a bit and showering 2-3 times a day. Using Andrex Moist Toilet Wipes is also a godsend.
I really hope that this little advice might help in the meantime or while using antibiotics. Don't give up on the BF - it's such a lovely thing when you're over the worst of the initial discomforts. Check with HV that baby is latching on well.
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
Emilia xx
Ouch, very sorry to hear that hun. You look after yourself, those antibiotics knock you for six too so do try and rest as easy as you can


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