march baby, what clothes to buy? x


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
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Hi ladies, i probably sound really stupid lol, i keep seeing the cutest clothes for bubba e.g warm snuggly sleepsuits (which i couldn't help but buy one even though i was going to wait for my 20 week scan :) and long sleeve tops etc.
My question is will all the clothes in the shops at the moment be too warm for a baby born in march time? I know its probably too early to start buying at my stage anyway but looking round the baby shops i really have no clue if the clothes out now will be suitable for the time of year bubba will be born, its my first baby so can't go by experience, And when i hit that 20 weeks mark i want to go on a massive baby shopping spree :) xxxx
Ive been waiting for my 20wk scan too before I buy anything although couldn't resist buying a bib a few weeks ago that said worth the wait! :)

My bubba is due in feb so it will probably be cold! Totally stuck on what to buy but I've decided to buy enough clothes for the first 6weeks then go on a mass shopping spree then. We intend to stay team yellow so will buy most bits after baby is born.

I admit though I'm dying to go out and just buy everything now!!!!

Happy shopping xx
Its so hard not to buy isnt it! iv bought 1 sleep suit, 2 bibs and 2 pairs of socks :) i might have to start going out without my purse lol until iv had my scan in november, My best friend has already bought me a moses basket bless her iv asked her to keep hold of it until nearer the time!! thats sounds like a good idea buying for the first 6 weeks, im more worried about what the weather will be and the clothes not being worn, atleast by not buying everything it means 2 shopping sprees :) xxxx
Dont buy too much as they soon grow out of them.Found that out after my first and had an abundance of wintery clothes she never even wore lol, luckily they were neutral so i could use for my son when he was born. I was pondering about what to buy my new baby after i have my 20 week scan as im also due in March. I would say its still going to be chilly in March. This is the first baby that we are actually going to find out the sex so im quite excited lol x
My first was born at the end of march and my second is due the same time. With my first I made sure I had clothes that could be layered that meant I could put on jackets or cardys but also take them off if it got hot.
thanks for the advice ladies :) so im going to buy clothes you can layer and not too many ( try not to buy too many anyway haha) xxx
Im a March mummy too and Im thinking layering clothes just in case, also a snow suit thing just in case as you never know with our weather. Ive not bought any clothes as yet Im waiting till my scan on monday then gonna go mad!! :)
Iv been struggling with this one too as im due 5th of March and the weather can be so changable around then, Think the layers is a good idea might do that

Im also going on a shopping spree after my scan on friday :) cant wait to get some proper boy or girl stuff :)
goodluck with your scans maybe_mummy and hugsy and enjoy your shopping spree's!! cant wait til my next scan :) xxx
I bought my Lo so much winter stuff I have snow suits etc he never wore cos it was fairly nice I found it was so hard but he was in sleepsuits most of the time anyway

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I was supposed to be a mid March mummy last year, but ended up an early Feb mummy. That said, you can't go wrong buying sleepsuits/babygrows, cardies and vests xxxx
Claire I'm due beginning of April and a lot of the shops are now selling their summer clothes cheap. I started shopping yesterday and am going for layers, short/long sleeved vests, t-shirts and light cardi's etc. Also, even if baby is a little boy wearing a pair of tights under trousers won't hurt if it's cold. This Spring was so hot but it doesn't mean next year will be, also if it is chilly the Winter stuff will be in the Spring sales anyway so don't panic xxxxxxxxx
wait till boxing day and go to the next sale, its fab! xxx
Im due 16th March & I plan on keeping LO in them all in one things for the first few mths(sorry, cant think what there called) with a vest underneath, iv got a little hoody and OH Aunty is knitting me a few cardigans/hoodies. Im definatly going withe the layered thing
Im due right at the end of feb - so will probably be into march (if bubs is anything like me and running late)

I was thinking of stocking up on a few wintery bits in the january sales, so at least i'll not be spending a fortune. Can always keep things for the next one. lol Im in the north of scotland and we often have snow at that time of year, so figure i'll def need some wintery bits.


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