Marathon Running when Pregnant


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Aug 21, 2015
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I'm in my first trimester and have a place on a mountain marathon when I'll be 14 weeks into my first pregnancy. My husband is in the mind that I should still do it but I'm not sure it's a good idea?
I wouldn't consider myself a 'runner' but I am generally fit (ish) and completed the London marathon in April with no problems. I believe there is an option to change my entry to a half marathon distance but with it being mountain terrain I think it'd still be pretty arduous!
Has anyone been in a similar situation that could offer me some advice? Thank you
I am a runner. A very bad one but a runner none the less. I was too sick to run initially and so haven't continued through pregnancy.

What's your biggest distance so far? Have you done a marathon before? I would ask your dr but my gut would say don't unless you've done it before or can already run big distances but I'm not an expert.
When it comes to training you can carry on doing anything you have done previously so long as there hasn't been a large gap.

As a fitness instructor we advise to lower the intensity

Try not to overheat and listen to your body.

That said if your having doubts then just do more research and go with your gut instinct on this one xx
I'm a runner usually- haven't done much running since before the school holidays because I'm all out of routine but also feeling sick all day ATM! I read you can carry on doing anything you were doing before however there are risks of injuries as when pg your joints/ muscles become looser. Also you can overheat quicker and need to make sure you're hydrated, and can get out of breath easier. If I were you I'd see how you go in training and decide closer to the time x
I was watching a program about GP s on the tv the other week. A woman, 8 weeks pregnant had already entered a marathon for the following week and was advised not to do it (despite training for over 6 months for it) as the risk of dehydration was too great.

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