Man, can this wee one kick!

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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Was lying in the bath yesturday and some bubbles were where my tummy protruded out of the water (yeah yeah I know we have to watch bubble bath).

The wee one decided to have a kick around and actually kicked the bubbles away from my tummy! So I shouted out to hubby who ran up the stairs to look but he missed the second kick. After a minute or so the bean decided to give a lighter kick which didn't move the bubble away from my tummy but Hubby could definately see my tummy move and the bubbles bounce! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Finally thinking the bean might kick so he could feel it (he's tried several times before but the bean always stops when he puts his hand on my tummy :roll: ) anyhoo, he put his hand on my tummy . . . and nothing! He's such a little sod :lol: I definately think he's team blue - a real Mummy's boy! :rotfl: :dance:
Put something on your tummy and see if the baby will kick that off - with imogen i used to put soap on my tummy when in the bath and she would kick it off! great fun at bath time - if she didnt id prod her until she woke up :rotfl:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Put something on your tummy and see if the baby will kick that off - with imogen i used to put soap on my tummy when in the bath and she would kick it off! great fun at bath time - if she didnt id prod her until she woke up :rotfl:

I keep prodding the bean to get him to kick when his Daddy is feeling but Hubby tells me to stop being mean and leave him alone! :rotfl: He says I don't like being woken up at all so chances are the bean won't like it either - Fair enough! :lol:

Can't wait to do the malteser thing too! :cheer:
I can't wait for this to start happening! :lol: Does sound like a true mummys boy though! :lol:

Abit off topic but I've never heard anything about bubble bath whats wrong with using it?? :think:
Yay for kicks :dance: Thats so cute - must try that in the bath.

I have felt the baby kick the last couple of days. My OH was lucky enough to feel it yesterday as we were watching TV and his hand was on my tum at the time. We then sat and watched my belly moving last night..just little waves!!..didnt expect to see or feel anything like this yet, its amazing!! :D
kim83 said:
I can't wait for this to start happening! :lol: Does sound like a true mummys boy though! :lol:

Abit off topic but I've never heard anything about bubble bath whats wrong with using it?? :think:

Oh just something about bubble bath can increase the chance of thrush/UTI.

Boo I say! I have 'Hot Bubblies' I can't just have a 'Hot' - it sounds wrong! :rotfl:
Hey, its amazing to feel it isn't it - i can't wait until i feel more vibrant moves, still, i'm happy enough at the minute

OOOH and my pram has just been delivered to work :cheer: :cheer: , i need to open it NOW, but must resist, i wonder does anyone know what it is since it has pram pictures on the box :lol: :lol:

All the same, i had no choice but to get it delivered here as i'd have missed home delivery and absolutely HATE missing post....

Mite get OH to push me around in it tnite - or i'll invest in a baby annabelle for now :lol: :lol:
What pram did you get Lou??..yea I think your best road testing it :lol:
aww yay try putting a magazine on your belly when your reading it laid down,
it would always make Thomas kick
pacha said:
What pram did you get Lou??..yea I think your best road testing it :lol:

I got the mamas and papas 8 in 1 combination, hope its a good job :pray:
Mama 2 Be isn't it soo amazing! Last night while in bed Bean decided to kick daddy via my belly button. Omg it looked sooo sick! My huge saggy belly button going hard then soft :puke:

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