Mah symptoms


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Well I thought I'd record my symptoms on testing day after the bfn earlier (hopefully just too early):

1. Big nausea earlier
2. Had a cry at William and Kate engagement lol
3. Cramps - eff off :witch: it better not be you *glares*
4. back ache
5. Pains in thighs
6. Smelled coffee earlier (to test myself) and nearly boked on the spot

Nips not big or darker coloured today :(

Ho hum - the waiting game. Luckily I'm chilling with my telly today :)
Yes it was......maybe baby says they're not as good as first response but if witch does not get me I'm gonna wait till next Friday to test - even on offer these tests are way too expensive!! hey, that's a good thing right? I'm gonna not bother with OPKs oir cheap HPTs next month cos I think they're a waste of time! If it cost us £5 every time to test we would not be POAS addicts !! Still feeling sick, have done for about 3 days now but getting cramps like AF on her way. Have you thought of getting CBD?? 2 tests for £10.40 in Tesco or perhaps first response would be better??
You're not out lovely - cramps are a symptom. As is sickness! I've everything crossed for you :dust:
You're so right about if it cost £5 a time!

I've forgotten your other Qs so wait there...
I'll do the same as you and wait to see if AF arrives before testing again. Might treat myself to FR :eek:)

Ooh another symptom I've got is peeing loads. I feel like I need to go again straight away as I'm washing my hands after just peeing! Sheesh

Also horny. Sssh.
Lol I thought it was cos another TTCer said it was. Wouldn't be saying owt otherwise lol lol lol!!!
Oh for shame :blush:

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